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Starfleet Officers

T'Lara vulcan, female
T'Lara presided over an extradition hearing on station DS9 in 2372 when Lt. Cmdr. Worf was accused by Klingon authorities of firing on an unarmed transport spacecraft. DS9 Rules of Engagement.

Deborah Strang

2372 - Admiral

T'Lor tiburonian, male
On stardate 50049.3, T'Lor was killed in a battle with the Jem'Hadar on Torga IV. DS9 The Ship.

Ken Lesco

d. 2373, Torga IV

2373 - Crewman (Science Officer), Deep Space 9

T'Pol vulcan, female

Jolene Blalock

2151-2153 - Sub-Commander (XO), Starship Enterprise NX-01
2153-2161 - Commander (XO), Starship Enterprise NX-01
2153-2156 - Captain (CO), Starship Enterprise NX-01

T'su, Lian human, female
T'su, Lian
T'Su took ops when Data beamed down to planet Minos to investigate the disappearance of the U.S.S. Drake. TNG The Arsenal of Freedom.

Julia Nickson
Julia Nickson also played Cassandra in DS9 Paradise

2364 - Ensign (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Tabor bajoran, male
VOY Nothing Human. VOY Repression.

Jad Mager

2371-2377 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager

Taggert human, male
Former Enterprise-D Chief Medical Officer Dr. Katherine Pulaski served under Taggert aboard the Repulse prior to her assignment to the Enterprise-D. Taggert spoke highly of Pulaski, and once noted he would have even given her a shuttlecraft if it would have kept her aboard his ship. TNG Unnatural Selection.

J. Patrick McNamara

2365 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Repulse

Taitt human, female
Taitt was on duty during the encounter with the self-aware Borg in 2370. She did her Starfleet Academy senior honours thesis in solar dynamics. Taitt devised the plan that successfully induced a solar-fusion eruption, destroying the enemy ship. TNG Descent, Part 2.

Alex Datcher

2370 - Ensign (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Tal, Celes bajoran, female
Tal, Celes
VOY Good Shepherd. VOY The Haunting of Deck 12. VOY Workforce.

Zoe McLellan

2371-2377 - Petty Officer 3c (Sensor Analyst), U.S.S. Voyager

Tamamota * human, female
Tamamota *
She served aboard the Saratoga during the Battle of Wolf 359. She was killed when the Borg managed to penetrate the Saratoga's shields. DS9 Emissary.

Lily Mariye
* This character's last name comes from J.M. Dillard's novelization of the DS9 episode "Emissary".

d. 2366, U.S.S. Saratoga

2366 - Ensign (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Saratoga

Tamura human, female
Tamura served on a landing party to planet Eminiar VII in 2266. TOS A Taste of Armageddon.

Miko Mayama

2266 - Petty Officer (Yeoman), U.S.S. Enterprise

Tankris human, female
In 2267, Tankris functioned as a clerk when Capt. Kirk conducted a murder investigation aboard the Enterprise regarding three murdered women on Argelius II. When Redjac took over the ship, she was administered a tranquilizer in order to prevent Redjac from feeding on the crew's fear. Redjac later slipped into the dead body of Administrator Hengist and took Tankris hostage. He threatened to kill her at first but quickly released her in order to be able to fight Capt. Kirk. TOS Wolf in the Fold.

Judy McConnell

2267 - Petty Officer (Yeoman), U.S.S. Enterprise

Tannenbaum, Rita human, female
Tannenbaum, Rita
In an alternate reality, Tannenbaum was among the Defiant crew members stranded in the past on the planet Gaia. In this alternate reality Tannenbaum married Miles O'Brien ten years after the crash, and the two had several children. The alternate Tannenbaum ceased to exist when the timeline vanished, although the original individual continued to live in the original timeline. DS9 Children of Time.

2373 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Defiant

Tanner human
In 2152, Lt. Reed suggested to Capt. Archer to assign a third crewman to the armory so that Ensign Tanner would be free to begin with upgrades to the torpedo launchers. ENT Minefield. ENT The Catwalk.

2151-2152 - Ensign (Armory Officer), Starship Enterprise NX-01

Tarses, Simon romulan/human, male
Tarses, Simon
Tarses was accused as a conspirator in the Romulan theft of Enterprise-D technical data in 2367. While Tarses was not guilty of the theft, he had lied on his Starfleet entrance papers, concealing the fact that his paternal grandfather was Romulan. When this fact was brought out during the conspiracy hearings, Tarses feared his career in Starfleet was over. TNG The Drumhead.

Spencer Garrett

b. on Mars

2366-2367 - Crewman 1c (Medical Technician), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Tassoni, Angelo human, male
Tassoni, Angelo
VOY Equinox, Part 2.

2375-2376 - U.S.S. Equinox
2376 - U.S.S. Voyager

Tatalia, Maria human, female
Tatalia, Maria
Tatalia was wounded in action in the Dominion war near stardate 51721.3. She was a friend of a friend of Jadzia Dax. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.


Tatum human
ENT Fight or Flight.

2151 - Starship Enterprise NX-01

Taurik vulcan, male
Taurik worked in engineering control and shared quarters with Ensign Sam Lavelle. Taurik was one of several ensigns being considered for promotion in 2370. TNG Lower Decks.

Alexander Enberg
Alexander Enberg also played Vorik on Star Trek: Voyager.

2370 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Taylor, Jane human, female
Taylor, Jane
ENT Cold Front. ENT The Forgotten.

d. 2154, Starship Enterprise NX-01

2151 - Crewman (Engineer), Starship Saratoga
2151-2153 - Crewman 2c (Engineer), Starship Enterprise NX-01

Telaka, L. Isao human, male
Telaka, L. Isao
Among with the rest of his crew, he was killed in 2365 after being exposed to the genetically engineered children from the Darwin Genetic Research Station on planet Gagarin IV. Although Telaka was the same age as Commander Riker, he died of premature old age caused by the children's deadly antibodies. TNG Unnatural Selection.

b. 2335
d. 2365, U.S.S. Lantree

2365 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Lantree

Telfer, William human, male
Telfer, William
VOY Good Shepherd.

Michael Reisz

2371-2376 - Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager

Teller human, male
TOS Court Martial.

2266 - Lieutenant

Teller, Angela human, female
Teller, Angela
Teller was on the landing party to the amusement park planet in 2266. She was apparently killed by an old-style airplane making a strafing run, an image, conjured up by fellow crew member Esteban Rodriguez. Teller was later restored to health by the planet's Caretaker. TOS Shore Leave.

Barbara Baldavin
Barbara Baldavin also played Angela Martine in TOS Balance of Terror and Lt. Lisa in TOS Turnabout Intruder.

2266 - U.S.S. Enterprise

Telnorri male
In 2372, Telnorri helped Chief Miles O'Brien cope with the experience of memories that had been implanted by the Argrathi government. DS9 Hard Time.

2372 - Counsellor, Deep Space 9

Temple human, female
She assisted Dr. Crusher in treating the Zalkonian "John Doe". TNG Transfigurations.

Patti Tippo
This character was sort of an homage to Nurse Chapel.

2366 - Lieutenant JG (Nurse), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Terrel, Clark human, male
Terrel, Clark
Terrell died in 2285 while on a survey mission for Project Genesis. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Paul Winfield
Paul Winfield also played Captain Dathon in TNG Darmok.

b. ~2240 d. 2285

2285 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Reliant

Terry human, male
In 2368, he served aboard the Sutherland, when the ship was part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan interference during the Klingon civil war. TNG Redemption, Part 2.

2368 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Sutherland

Thelin andorian, male
TAS Yesteryear.

2268 - Commander (XO & Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Thomas human, male
This ensign served aboard the Enterprise-D in an alternate timeline. Thomas was ordered to report to Combat Information Centre in 2366. TNG Yesterday's Enterprise.

2366 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Thompson human, male
VOY The Fight.

2371-2375 - U.S.S. Voyager

Thompson, Leslie human, female
Thompson, Leslie
She was a member of the landing party that answered the distress call from the Kelvans in 2267. As a demonstration of their superior power, the Kelvans distilled Thompson into a small, dry dodecahedron made of her chemical components, then crushed the object, killing her instantly. TOS By Any Other Name.

Julie Cobb

d. 2267

2267 - Petty Officer (Yeoman), U.S.S. Enterprise

Thorne human, male
Thorne was injured when exposure to a dark-matter pocket in the Mar Oscura Nebula in late 2367 caused a cryogenic control conduit in the engineering section to explode. TNG In Theory.

2367 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Thule human, male
Kirk recorded a commendation for Thule when the bridge of the Enterprise was slowly deprived of life support during Khan's takeover attempt in 2266. TOS Space Seed.

2266 - Petty Officer 1c (Technician), U.S.S. Enterprise

Toddman human, male
In 2371, Vice Admiral Toddman ordered Commander Sisko to put the U.S.S. Defiant on stand-by alert against possible Jem'Hadar attacks. DS9 The Die Is Cast.

Leon Russom
Leon Russom also played the C-in-C of Starfleet in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

2371 - Vice Admiral, Starfleet Security

Tomlinson, Robert human, male
Tomlinson, Robert
Officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise during the Romulan incursion of 2265. Tomlinson had been engaged to marry fellow Enterprise crew member Angela Martine, but the wedding ceremony was interrupted by news of the Romulan attack. Tomlinson was later killed during the battle. TOS Balance of Terror.

Stephen Mines

d. 2265, U.S.S. Enterprise

2265 - Lieutenant (Phaser-control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Torigan human, male
He served at Tactical on the Gamma shift on stardate 46852. Worf was scheduled to replace Ensign Torigan. TNG Rightful Heir.

2369 - Ensign (Tactical Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Tormolen, Joe human, male
Tormolen, Joe
He was part of the landing party assigned to investigate the deaths of the Psi 2000 science team in 2265. Tormolen, under the influence of the Psi 2000 virus, became extremely depressed and committed suicide by stabbing himself with a dinner knife. His wound was not severe, and Dr. McCoy later expressed the opinion that Tormolen died because he just didn't want to live. TOS The Naked Time.

Stewart Moss
Stewart Moss also played Hanar in TOS By Any Other Name

d. 2265

2265 - Lieutenant JG (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Torres human, male
Torres was frozen by Q during the Enterprise-D's first encounter with Q in 2364, although he later recovered. TNG Encounter at Farpoint.

Jimmy Ortega

2364 - Lieutenant (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Torres, B'Elanna human/klingon, female
Torres, B'Elanna

Roxann Biggs
In early episodes Roxann Biggs was credited as Roxann Biggs-Dawson.

Cadet 4th class, Starfleet Academy
Cadet 3rd class, Starfleet Academy
2371 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager
2371-2377 - Lieutenant JG (Chief Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager

Towles human, male
TNG Descent, Part 1.

2370 - Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Toya human, female
Her daughter Alexandra was kidnapped in 2364 by the Aldeans, who wanted to use the child to revitalize their dying race. TNG When the Bough Breaks.

Connie Danese

2364 - Crewman, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Tracey, Ronald human, male
Tracey, Ronald
He was one of the most experienced Starfleet captains. He violated the Prime Directive at planet Omega IV in 2268. On Omega IV, Tracey believed he had discovered the secret of immortality, but later learned that he had only found the long-lived survivors of a terrible bacteriological war. Returning to his ship, Tracey brought back a deadly virus from that war that killed all of his crew. Tracey then became involved in an ancient struggle between the Yangs and Kohms on Omega IV, providing phaser weapons to that primitive civilization. Tracey was later taken into custody by Starship Enterprise personnel and charged with having violated the Prime Directive. TOS The Omega Glory.

Morgan Woodward
Morgan Woodward also played Dr. Simon Van Gelder in TOS Dagger of the Mind.

2267 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Exeter

Tracy, Karen human, female
Tracy, Karen
In 2267, she beamed down to planet Argelius with a psycho-tricorder to run a 24-hour regressive memory check on Lt. Cmdr. Scott. She was stabbed by the alien entity Redjac before she could complete her analysis. TOS Wolf in the Fold.

Virginia Aldridge

d. 2267, Argelius II

2267 - Lieutenant (Medical Technician), U.S.S. Enterprise

Travers human, male
Travers was the commander of the Federation outpost on Cestus III in 2266 before it was destroyed by the Gorn. He was known for his hospitality, so Capt. Kirk and his senior officers from the USS Enterprise eagerly accepted an apparent invitation from Travers for dinner at the outpost, just before learning that nearly everyone on Cestus III had been killed in the Gorn attack. TOS Arena.

d. 2266, Cestus III

2266 - Commodore (CO), Cestus III Outpost

Trillya human, female
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Jane Wiedlin

2286 - Communications Officer, U.S.S. Shepard

Troi, Deanna human/betazoid, female
Troi, Deanna
TNG. Star Trek: Generations. Star Trek: First Contact. Star Trek: Insurrection. VOY Pathfinder. VOY Life Line. VOY Inside Man. Star Trek: Nemesis. ENT These Are the Voyages….

Marina Sirtis
Marina Sirtis originally auditioned for the part of the security chief and was almost cast for the part, but Gene Roddenberry decided at the last moment to switch the roles of Yar and Troi between Sirtis and Denise Crosby.
Image from http://www.stinsv.com.

b. 29 March 2336, Betazed

2355 - Cadet 4th class, Starfleet Academy
2359 - Ens.
2364-2370 - Lieutenant Commander (Counsellor), U.S.S. Enterprise-D
2370-2371 - Commander (Counsellor), U.S.S. Enterprise-D
2373-2379 - Commander (Counsellor), U.S.S. Enterprise-E
2379 - Commander (Counsellor), U.S.S. Titan

Troi, Ian Andrew human, male
Troi, Ian Andrew
Human father of Deanna Troi, and husband to Betazoid Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. Ian Troi was a Starfleet Officer who died when Deanna was seven. TNG The Child. TNG Dark Page.

Amick Byram
The name of Deanna Troi's father was listed as Alex Troi on her personnel file in TNG Conundrum, but was established as Ian Andrew Troi in TNG The Child. Amick Byram also played Lt. Paul Hickman in TNG Identity Crisis.

d. 2343

2336-2343 - Lieutenant

Trumari human
VOY The Haunting of Deck 12.

2371-2376 - Ens., U.S.S. Voyager

Tucker, Charles human, male
Tucker, Charles

Connor Trinneer

d. 2161

Lieutenant, NX Test Program
2151-2154 - Commander (Chief Engineer), Starship Enterprise NX-01
2154 - Commander (Chief Engineer), Starship Columbia NX-02
2154-2161 - Commander (Chief Engineer), Starship Enterprise NX-01
2155 - Commander (Chief Engineer), I.S.S. Enterprise
2156-2165 - Captain (CO), Starship Enterprise NX-01

Tuvok vulcan, male

Tim Russ
Tim Russ also played Devor in TNG Starship Mine, T'Kar in DS9 Invasive Procedures, and an unnamed lieutenant on the bridge of the Enterprise-B in Star Trek: Generations. Russ was also a candidate for the role of Geordi La Forge in TNG.
Image from http://www.stinsv.com.

b. 2264

2293 - Ensign (Junior Science Officer), U.S.S. Excelsior
U.S.S. Wyoming
U.S.S. Billings
2371-2374 - Lieutenant (Tactical & Security Chief), U.S.S. Voyager
2374-2377 - Lieutenant Commander (Tactical & Security Chief), U.S.S. Voyager

Tyler human, male
When Dr. Bashir had dinner with Lt. Cmdr. Dax and Dr. Khan, he was informed that Tyler had broken his leg. DS9 Rejoined.

2372 - Ensign, Deep Space 9

Tyler human, female
She was part of the engineering team aboard the Enterprise-D that installed a new warp core in 2370. Tyler had an obvious but unrequited crush on Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge. TNG Phantasms.

Gina Ravarra

2370 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Tyler, José human, male
Tyler, José
The Cage. TOS The Menagerie.

Peter Duryea

2254 - Lt. (Navigator), U.S.S. Enterprise

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