Home | Up | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | ? Admirals | Captains | Commanders | Lieutenant Commanders | Lieutenants | Lieutenants JG | Ensigns | Enlisted Personnel |
Nagata * | human, male | ||
![]() He interrupted Dr. Bashir and Chief OBrien's search for the Klingon operative, Arne Darwin, aboard the Enterprise in 2267. He was supposed to repair a power relay, but O'Brien was already doing his job. He got suspicious because a doctor accompanied O'Brien, but Bashir managed to dispel his doubts by telling him that he was doing a study on work-related stress. Nagata took over from O'Brien, when he accidentaly caused a power blackout. O'Brien asked Nagata not to tell anybody about his incompetence. DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations. Charles S. Chun |
2267 - Lieutenant (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Nagel | human, female | ||
![]() She was part of Riker's crew aboard the U.S.S. Hathaway during a Starfleet battle simulation. TNG Peak Performance. Leslie Neale |
2365 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Naimon | human, female | ||
![]() ENT Shockwave, Part 2. |
2151-2152 - Crewman, Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Nakamura | human, male | ||
![]() In 2365, Nakamura supported Cmdr. Bruce Maddox's efforts to have Data disassembled in hopes of replicating Noonien Soong's work. As a lieutenant, he served together with Ensign Jean-Luc Picard aboard the U.S.S. Reliant. According to Picard, Nakamura had harsh words about snap inspections and the admirals who pulled them. TNG The Measure of a Man. In 2370, Nakamura was perturbed when the Enterprise-D mysteriously suffered propulsion problems that would prevent Captain Picard from attending the Annual Starfleet Admiral's Banquet. TNG Phantasms. In the anti-time reality created by Q, Nakamura initiated a fleetwide yellow alert on stardate 47988. During that alert he deployed 16 starships, including the Enterprise-D, to the Romulan Neutral Zone in response to the military build-up along the Romulan side of the border. Nakamura authorized the deployment of probes into the Neutral Zone to investigate the anomaly reported there, but would not authorize any ship to enter the zone. TNG All Good Things.... Clyde Kusatsu |
Lt., U.S.S. Reliant 2365-2370 - Vice Admiral (CO), Starbase 173 |
Namod | human | ||
![]() ENT Fight or Flight. |
2151 - Crewman, Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Nara | female | ||
![]() She was Daniel Kwan's supervisor in the nacelle control room aboard the Enterprise-D in 2370. TNG Eye of the Beholder. Nancy Harewood |
2370 - Lieutenant JG (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Narsu, Uttan | male | ||
![]() Narsu was assigned to Starbase 12 at the time the U.S.S. Essex disappeared above a moon of planet Mab-Bu VI in 2167. TNG Power Play. |
2167 - Admiral, Starbase 12 |
Narth | |||
![]() In 2327, Ensign Cortin Zweller served under Narth, Zweller's first Starfleet assignment after graduation from the academy. TNG Tapestry. |
2327 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Ajax |
Nechayev, Alynna | human, female | ||
![]() Admiral Nechayev was responsible for the handling of the Celtris III incident in 2369. TNG Chain of Command, Part 1. Late in 2369, she blasted Picard for his decision to return the Borg known as Hugh to the Borg collective without sending an invasive program developed by Enterprise-D personnel. TNG Descent, Part 1. In 2370, she was involved with the creation of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty. Later, she ordered Captain Picard to evacuate the settlers from Dorvan V. TNG Journey's End. Late in 2370, Nechayev once again visited the Enterprise-D to discuss the Maquis situation. She asked Captain Picard to persuade Ro Laren to infiltrate the Maquis. TNG Preemptive Strike. She also travelled to DS9 in 2370 to discuss problems maintaining the treaty, including troublesome Maquis. DS9 The Maquis. DS9 The Search, Part 2. DS9 The Abandoned. DS9 Fascination.
Natalia Nogulich |
2369 - Adm. 2370-2371 - Fleet Admiral |
Neeley, Lisa | human, female | ||
![]() She served under the command of Captain Sisko in 2374. She was a member of the crew of the commandeered Jem'Hadar vessel that crash-landed on a planet located within a dark-matter nebula in Cardassian space. DS9 Rocks and Shoals. Sarah MacDonnell |
2374 - Lieutenant (Security Officer) |
Neelix | talaxian, male | ||
![]() In a possible future, Neelix had become a security officer aboard Voyager. He made Jimbalian fudge for Kes' ninth birthday party. VOY Before and After. In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim time ship in 2374, Neelix had become a security officer as well. He stayed aboard with the senior officers, when Janeway ordered the rest of the crew to evacuate the ship. VOY Year of Hell, Part 1. |
2374-2379 - Ensign (Security Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Nellis, Tom | human, male | ||
![]() He served aboard the Antares, under the command of Capt. Ramart, when the cargo vessel rescued the 17-year-old Charles Evans from planet Thasus in 2265. Nellis, along with the rest of the Antares crew, was killed when Evans destroyed the vessel to prevent Ramart from warning Kirk about Evan's psychokinetic powers. TOS Charlie X. Dallas Mitchell |
d. 2265, U.S.S. Antares 2265 - XO & Navigator, U.S.S. Antares |
Nelson | human, male | ||
![]() Nelson ran sensor diagnostics after the Enterprise-D's encounter with a wormhole in the Ngame Nebula in 2367. TNG Clues. |
2367 - Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Nemzek, David P. | human, male | ||
![]() He went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
2374 - Commander, U.S.S. Akagi |
Nemzek, Donna W. | human, female | ||
![]() She went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
2374 - Nurse, U.S.S. Akagi |
Ngomo | human, female | ||
![]() Admiral Ngomo offered help in 2371 when Cmdr. Sisko, Dax, and Dr. Bashir disappeared in a transporter accident. DS9 Past Tense, Part 1. |
2371 - Admiral, Starfleet HQ |
Nichols | human, male | ||
![]() ENT Horizon. Adam Paul |
2152 - Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Nicoletti, Susan | human, female | ||
![]() In 2371, Nicoletti helped Chief Engineer Torres to retrieve a console, which was suspected to contain Federation technology, from the contaminated bridge of a disabled Kazon-Nistrim ship. VOY State of Flux. Her quarters aboard Voyager were on deck 4. When a spatial distortion ring being had changed Voyager's layout in 2371, her quarters were nearby Ayala's, Hargrove's, and Kyoto's quarters, whereas under normal circumstances they would be in on different decks. VOY Twisted. VOY The Thaw. VOY The Swarm. VOY Day of Honor. On stardate 51501.4, Nicoletti received a letter from home via a Starfleet transmission sent through an ancient network of alien relay stations. VOY Hunters.
Christine Delgado |
2371-2374 - Engineer, U.S.S. Voyager |
Noel, Dr. Helen | human, female | ||
![]() In 2265, Noel did training in rehabilitative therapy. TOS Dagger of the Mind. Marianne Hill |
2265 - Ensign (Psychiatrist), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Nog | ferengi, male | ||
![]() DS9 The Visitor. DS9 Homefront. DS9 Paradise Lost. DS9 The Ascent. DS9 The Darkness and the Light. DS9 For the Uniform. DS9 Blaze of Glory. DS9 Empok Nor. DS9 In the Cards. DS9 Call to Arms. DS9 A Time to Stand. DS9 Rocks and Shoals. DS9 Behind the Lines. DS9 Favor the Bold. DS9 Sacrifice of Angels. DS9 You Are Cordially Invited. DS9 The Magnificent Ferengi. DS9 One Little Ship. DS9 Profit and Lace. DS9 Tears of the Prophets. DS9 Image in the Sand. DS9 The Dogs of War. DS9 What You Leave Behind. Aron Eisenberg |
2372 - Cadet 4th class, Starfleet Academy |
Nogura | human, male | ||
![]() Starfleet commanding admiral, based in San Francisco, who reinstated James Kirk as captain of the Enterprise during the V'Ger crisis of 2273. Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
2273 - Admiral (Commander-in-Chief), Starfleet HQ |
Nored, Anne | human, female | ||
![]() TAS The Survivor. Nichelle Nichols |
2269 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Nori | human | ||
![]() DS9 The Assignment. |
2373 - Engineer, Deep Space 9 |
Norman | android, male | ||
![]() Norman came aboard the Enterprise a few days before stardate 4513.3. McCoy thought something was wrong with him because he never smiled, never talked about his background, and his conversations never varied from the routine of the job. He had also avoided two appointments for his physical exam without reason. McCoy's suspicions turned out to be justified when Norman broke into the auxilary control room and commandeered the vessel. He brought the vessel to an uncharted planet where they were welcomed by Harry Mudd. TOS I, Mudd. Richard Tatro |
2267 - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Novakovich | human, male | ||
![]() He was Wesley Crusher's professor in anthropology at the Academy in 2368. TNG The Game. |
2368 - Instructor, Starfleet Academy |
Novakovich, Ethan | human, male | ||
![]() ENT Strange New World. Henri Lubatti |
2151 - Crewman 2c (Science Div.), Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Nozawa, Kashimuro | human, male | ||
![]() He was part of Janeway's group when the Voyager's crew was transported to the Caretaker array in 2371. VOY Caretaker. In 2371, he escorted two Vidiians, who had extracted Neelix's lungs, to sickbay. VOY Phage. VOY Emanations. VOY Prime Factors. VOY Heroes and Demons. VOY Learning Curve. He was in the mess hall when Paris and Kes delivered cabbages to Neelix. VOY Elogium. When a spatial distortion ring being had changed Voyager's layout in 2371, a doorway in Engineering led to his quarters. When Chief Engineer Torres tried to reset the transporter pattern buffers in a room adjacent to Engineering, she wound up in Nozawa's quarters and saw him in his underwear. VOY Twisted. In late 2371, he was part of the away team that was looking for aliens on a planet in the Delta Quadrant where Voyager had discovered Amelia Earhart and other humans in stasis chambers. The away team was attacked by the inhabitants of the planet but they were able to overcome them. VOY The 37's. He assisted Lt. Torres in finding a way to beam down to the planet of the "Sky Spirits". They were not successful because every time they tried to lock onto a transport site, an electrical storm formed right above the location. VOY Tattoo. VOY Cold Fire. He assisted Torres in rescuing Cmdr. Chakotay from a Kazon-Nistrim vessel with the transporter. VOY Maneuvers. He beamed Automated Personnel Unit 3947, a damaged Pralor robot, aboard Voyager in 2372. Lt. Torres repaired it and Nozawa was supposed to beam it to a Pralor ship, but 3947 knocked him out with a chromodynamic energy charge and kidnapped Lt. Torres. VOY Prototype. He assisted Lt. Torres in beaming a fragment of a comet aboard Voyager in 2372. The fragment turned out to be Quinn, a male Q. VOY Death Wish. VOY Meld. VOY Lifesigns. VOY Deadlock. VOY Tuvix. VOY Basics, Part 1 & 2. VOY The Swarm. He attended Neelix' special evening for their Enaran guests in 2373. VOY Remember. VOY Coda. VOY Darkling. VOY Favorite Son. In a possible future, Nozawa was attending Kes' ninth birthday party. VOY Before and After. VOY Distant Origin. VOY Displaced. VOY Demon. VOY One Small Step. VOY Workforce. John Tempoya |
2371-2377 - Ensign (Transporter Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Nsomeka | human, female | ||
![]() In 2367, Nsomeka informed Capt. Picard that a position had opened up at the Starfleet Academy and that she expected Wesley Crusher to report there in two weeks. TNG Final Mission. |
2367 - Admiral, Starfleet Academy |
Number One | human, female | ||
![]() The Cage. TOS The Menagerie. M. Leigh Hudec aka Majel Barrett Roddenberry |
2254 - Lt. (XO & Helmsman), U.S.S. Enterprise |
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