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Starfleet Officers

Kagan human, male
Kagan along with Lt. Chandler was part of an elaborate holographic simulation designed to determine Julian Bashir's loyalty to Starfleet and to test him for possible membership in Section 31. DS9 Inquisition.

Benjamin Brown

2374 - Ensign (Security Officer), Internal Affairs

Kalandra human, male
He was Dr. Kalandra's husband. He served aboard the Tecumseh when the ship joined the Rutledge in a counterattack against Klingon forces in the Archanis sector in early 2373. DS9 Nor the Battle to the Strong.

2373 - Science Officer, U.S.S. Tecumseh

Kamata human
ENT The Forgotten.

d. 2154, Starship Enterprise NX-01

2154 - Crewman, Starship Enterprise NX-01

Kane human, male
TNG Relics.

This character received the first name Darrin in Michael Jan Friedman's novelization of the TNG episode "Relics".

2369 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kaplan human, male
He was a member of the landing party to planet Gamma Trianguli VI in 2267. He was killed by a bolt of lightning generated by the god-machine Vaal. TOS The Apple.

Dick Dial

d. 2267, Gamma Trianguli VI

2267 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Kaplan human, female
Kaplan occasionally played golf with Tom Paris and Harry Kim. VOY Vis à Vis.

2371-2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Voyager

Kaplan, Donald human, male
Kaplan, Donald
Kaplan was a Starfleet Academy classmate of Enterprise-D Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge. The two men were engaged in a friendly rivalry to see which engineer could achieve the highest power-conversion level in their respective ship's engines. TNG Force of Nature.

b. ~2335

2370 - Commander (Chief Engineer), U.S.S. Intrepid

Kaplan, Dr. human, male
Kaplan, Dr.
In 2371, a holographic representation of Reginald Barclay aboard USS Voyager mentioned that Kaplan was a neurologist aboard Jupiter Station. VOY Projections.

2371 - Neurologist, Jupiter Station

Kaplan, Marie human, female
Kaplan, Marie
Kaplan was on the bridge as the ship received a SETI greeting from Earth as the starship visited Earth's past in 1996. VOY Future's End, Part 1 & 2. She and Chakotay were on a scouting mission in the Nekrit expanse in 2373, when they received an distress call from the New Hope Colony, a planet populated by former Borg drones. They landed on the planet to render assistance, but were attacked by renegades. Kaplan, unfortunately, died in a firefight. VOY Unity. VOY Imperfection.

d. 2373, New Hope Colony

2371-2373 - Ensign (Tactical Officer), U.S.S. Voyager

Karapleedeez, Onna
Karapleedeez, Onna
Karapleedeez was apparently killed by the extragalactic alien intelligence that attempted to infiltrate Starfleet Command in 2364. TNG Conspiracy.

d. 2364


Kayden, Will human, male
Kayden, Will
He was killed during the battle on Setlik III. Kayden, nicknamed "Stompie" by his shipmates, was fond of singing "The Minstrel Boy". Kayden's commanding officer was Captain Benjamin Maxwell, and he had served along with Miles O'Brien. TNG The Wounded.

d. at Setlik III

U.S.S. Rutledge

Keel, Walker human, male
Keel, Walker
Keel was one of several officers who fought against an infiltration of Starfleet Headquarters in 2364, but he was killed in the effort, along with his crew of the Horatio. Keel had been one of Jean-Luc Picard's closest friends. Both Keel and Picard were very close to Jack Crusher, and Keel introduced Crusher to his future wife, Beverly. Just prior to the destruction of the Horatio, Keel suspected his first officer might have fallen under the influence of the conspiracy. TNG Conspiracy.

Jonathan Farwell

d. 2364, U.S.S. Horatio

2364 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Horatio

Keith human
In 2368, he served aboard the Sutherland, when the ship was part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan interference during the Klingon civil war. TNG Redemption, Part 2.

2368 - U.S.S. Sutherland

Kelby human, male
ENT Affliction. ENT Bound. ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2. ENT Terra Prime.

Derek Magyar

2154 - Commander (Chief Engineer), Starship Enterprise NX-01
2154-2155 - Commander (Engineer), Starship Enterprise NX-01
2155 - Ensign (Engineer), I.S.S. Enterprise

Keller human, female
She died as the result of a failure in the ship's antimatter containment systems. A breach of the matter/antimatter reaction chamber forced the closure of the isolation doors, trapping Keller. TNG Violations.

d. 2368, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

2368 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kellin human, male
DS9 The Siege of AR-558.

Bill Mumy

d. 2375, AR-558

2375 - Engineer, AR-558

Kelly human, male
His daughter worked with a Bajoran girl on a prize-winning science-fair-project. Kelly was among the Starfleet personnel who remained aboard the station during the Circle's attempted coup in 2370. DS9 The Siege.

2369-2370 - Ensign, Deep Space 9

Kelly, J. human, female
Kelly, J.
ENT Vox Sola.

Renee Goldsberry

2151-2152 - Crewman 1c (Engineer), Starship Enterprise NX-01

Kelly, Joshua human, male
Kelly, Joshua
He was killed when the ship was investigating a binary star system in the Igo Sector in 2369. TNG Realm of Fear.

d. 2369, U.S.S. Yosemite

2369 - Lt. (Chief Engineer), U.S.S. Yosemite

Kelly, Morgan human, male
Kelly, Morgan
He was killed in the crash of the Essex on the moon of planet Mab-Bu IV in 2167. TNG Power Play.

d. 2167, Mab-Bu VI

2167 - Lt. (Security Officer), U.S.S. Essex

Kelowitz human, male
Kelowitz was a landing-party member who participated in the search for Shuttlecraft Galileo when it crashed on planet Taurus II in 2266. He delivered a report on the humanoid creatures found on the planet. TOS The Galileo Seven. He was part of the landing party to the Federation outpost on Cestus III in 2266. TOS Arena. He was also part of the landing party to the Federation colony on Omicron Ceti III later that year. He was one of the first to notice that something wasn't quite right on the planet and he was later exposed to spores from an alien flower, causing him to lose interest in his duties and mutiny. Mr. Spock used a subsonic transmitter to neutralise the effect of the spores. This triggered violent emotions in all crewmembers and Kelowitz got into a fight with another lieutenant. They broke off their fight when the influence of the spores wore off. TOS This Side of Paradise.

Grant Woods

2266 - Lieutenant (Biologist), U.S.S. Enterprise

Kelso human, male
TNG The Quality of Life.

J. Downing
This character was named by writer Naren Shankar in homage to Lee Kelso from the TOS pilot episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before".

2369 - Chief Petty Officer (Transporter Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kelso, Lee human, male
Kelso, Lee
Kelso was killed by Gary Mitchell while helping to implement a plan to quarantine Mitchell on planet Delta Vega. TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before.

Paul Carr

d. 2265, Delta Vega

2265 - Lt. (Helmsman), U.S.S. Enterprise

Kenicki human, male
Kenicki suffered from hallucinations caused by lack of REM sleep while the Enterprise-D was adrift in a Tyken's Rift in 2367. Kenicki reported seeing someone in an old-style Starfleet uniform riding in the turbolift in engineering. TNG Night Terrors.

2367 - Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kennelly human, male
He made a secret pact with the Cardassians in 2368 to eliminate the Bajoran terrorists believed responsible for an attack against a Federation Colony. Kennelly planted Ensign Ro Laren on the Enterprise-D to carry out his plan. Kennelly's plan was discovered, and he was imprisoned. TNG Ensign Ro.

Cliff Potts

2368 - Vice Admiral

Kenney, Grace K. human, female
Kenney, Grace K.
She was wounded in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Kenney also served aboard U.S.S. Sarajevo and U.S.S. Victory at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-)

2374 - Commander, U.S.S. Clement

Keogh human, male
He was an old acquaintance of Jadzia Dax, and the two were not fond of one another. Keogh was killed when the Odyssey was destroyed in 2370 by Jem'Hadar-ships. DS9 The Jem'Hadar.

Alan Oppenheimer
Alan Oppenheimer also played Koroth in TNG Rightful Heir.

d. 2370, U.S.S. Odyssey

2370 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Odyssey

Kim, Dr. Joshua human, male
Kim, Dr. Joshua
Dr. Kim served aboard the Enterprise-D in an alternate timeline. He was ordered to report to Station Ops in 2366. TNG Yesterday's Enterprise.

2366 - Physician, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kim, Harry S. L. human, male
Kim, Harry S. L.
He graduated from Starfleet Academy on stardate 47918. VOY.

Garrett Wang, Kenny Yee

2370 - Ensign
2370-2372 - Ensign (Engineer), Starfleet Engineering Corps
2371-2377 - Ensign (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Voyager
2378-2379 - Lieutenant (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Voyager
2403 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Rhode Island

Kimball human, female
ENT Breaking the Ice.

2151 - Ensign, Starship Enterprise NX-01

Kimya, Matata L. human
Kimya, Matata L.
Kimya went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Kimya also served aboard U.S.S. Tripoli, U.S.S. Zapata, U.S.S. Sarajevo, U.S.S. Victory, and Starbase 153 at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-)

2374 - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Akagi

Kinis vulcan, male
Kinis was an aide to Admiral Bullock. A re-creation of Kinis was part of a training facility created by Species 8472 in the Delta Quadrant in 2375 in preparation for infiltrating the Federation. VOY In the Flesh.

2371 - Lt., Starfleet HQ

Kira, Nerys bajoran, female
Kira, Nerys

Nana Visitor

b. on Bajor

2375 - Commander

Kirby, Angie human, female
Kirby, Angie
In an alternate reality, Ensign Kirby was among the Defiant crew members who stranded 200 years in the past on the planet Gaia. With no hope of return, the alternate Kirby married Dr. Julian Bashir and had many descendants. The alternate Kirby ceased to exist when the timeline vanished, although the original individual continued to live in the original timeline. She transferred aboard the Defiant one week before the Gaia incident. DS9 Children of Time. Julian Bashir was attracted to Kirby, and he tried to impress her with accounts of his bravery under fire during the Defiant's mission to the Argolis Cluster. DS9 Behind the Lines.

2373-2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Defiant

Kirk, James Tiberius human, male
Kirk, James Tiberius
TOS. TAS. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Star Trek: Generations. DS9 Trials and Tribble-ations. VOY Friendship One.

William Shatner

b. 2233, Iowa
d. 2371, Veridian VII

~2250 - Cadet 4th class, Starfleet Academy
2254 - Ensign, U.S.S. Republic
2254-2256 - Lt., U.S.S. Farragut
~2256 - Lt. (Instructor), Starfleet Academy
2265-2270 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Enterprise
2273 - Rear Admiral (Chief of Operations), Starfleet HQ
2273 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Enterprise
2285 - Rear Admiral, Starfleet Academy
2293 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Enterprise-A

Kobayashi, Alan M. human, male
Kobayashi, Alan M.
He went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Kimya also served aboard U.S.S. Tripoli, U.S.S. Zapata, U.S.S. Sarajevo, and U.S.S. Victory at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-) This character was named for Star Trek graphic designer Alan Kobayashi.

2374 - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Akagi

TAS The Infinite Vulcan.

James Doohan

Komack human, male
In 2266, Kirk asked Uhura to contact Admiral Komack at Starfleet concerning the spores on planet Omicron Ceti III and their effects to his crew. Uhura was unable to fulfil his request as she, under the influence of the spores, had sabotaged the communications station. TOS This Side of Paradise. Later that year, Komack informed Captain Kirk that the inauguration ceremonies on Altair VI had been advanced seven days and ordered the Enterprise to alter its flight plan accordingly. When Kirk learned that Spock was undergoing the pon farr, he contacted Komack and requested permission to divert to Vulcan. Due to the importance of the Altair VI mission and Kirk's refusal to explain his request, Komack dismissed the request. Kirk disobeyed Komack's orders and transported Spock to Vulcan. T'Pau saved Kirk's career by requesting diversion of Enterprise to Vulcan which Komack approved. TOS Amok Time.

Byron Morrow
Byron Morrow also played Admiral Westervliet in TOS For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky. The character was named for actor-director James Komack, who later directed TOS A Piece of the Action.

2266 - VAdm., Starfleet Command Sector 9

Kopf human, male
Kopf worked with Lt. Cmdr. La Forge's team when Data, under Dr. Soong's control, took over the Enterprise-D in 2367. TNG Brothers.

James Lashly
James Lashly also played Lt. Primmin in two episodes of DS9.

2367 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kosinski human, male
Kosinski attempted to perform a series of computer-based upgrades on starship warp drives in 2364. Kosinski's upgrades apparently produced measurable improvements on the starships Ajax and Fearless, and spectacular improvements on the Enterprise-D, but were later found to be baseless. The performance improvements were instead found to be due to the intervention of the Traveller, who had the ability to exploit the interchangeability of time, space, and thought. TNG Where No One Has Gone Before. Wesley Crusher conducted additional tests on Kosinski's equations in 2367, resulting in the accidental creation of a static warp shell in which his mother, Beverly Crusher, became temporarily trapped. TNG Remember Me.

Stanley Kamel

2364 - Lieutenant JG (Propulsion Specialist)

Krags human, male
In 2368, he served aboard the Sutherland, when the ship was part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan interference during the Klingon civil war. TNG Redemption, Part 2.

2368 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Sutherland

Krasnowsky human, male
Krasnowsky served on James Kirk's court-martial board in 2266 at Starbase 11 when Kirk was accused of the murder of Ben Finney. TOS Court Martial.

Bart Conrad

2266 - Captain

Kurland human, male
He was the father of Jake Kurland, who stole a shuttlecraft and attempted to run away to Beltane IX to sign onto a freighter. Jake eventually returned to the Enterprise after nearly crashing the shuttlecraft. TNG Coming of Age.

2364 - U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kurts, Beverly C. human, female
Kurts, Beverly C.
She went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Kimya also served aboard U.S.S. Tripoli, U.S.S. Zapata, U.S.S. Tecumseh, U.S.S. Sarajevo, and U.S.S. Victory at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-)

2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Akagi

Kustanovich human, male
DS9 Invasive Procedures.

Science Officer, U.S.S. Livingston

Kwan, Daniel L. human/napean, male
Kwan, Daniel L.
TNG Eye of the Beholder.

Tim Lounibos

d. 2370, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
2370 - Lieutenant JG (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Kyle human, male
Kyle served as relief helm officer and transporter technician aboard the original Starship Enterprise under the command of Captain Kirk. TOS Tomorrow Is Yesterday. TOS The City on the Edge of Forever. In 2266, he beamed the deceased Lt. Jackson aboard from Pyris VII. TOS Catspaw. When the energy entity Redjac was in control of the Enterprise, he was administered a tranquilizer in order to prevent Redjac from feeding on the crew's fear. He was later ordered by Capt. Kirk to beam the dead body of Mr. Hengist, which was possessed by Redjac, out into open space at the widest possible dispersion, but was relieved of his post by Mr. Spock because he was unfit for duty due to the tranquilizer. TOS Wolf in the Fold. TOS Who Mourns for Adonais?. TOS The Doomsday Machine. In 2267, he served as relief helm officer during the Enterprise's mission to planet Gamma Trianguli VI. He also briefly manned the science station when the machine-god Vaal grabbed the ship with a giant tractor beam from the planet's surface. Lt. Cmdr. Scott later ordered Kyle to fire the ship's phasers at Vaal to drain its power sources and deactivate the tractor beam. TOS The Apple. He attempted to beam a landing party aboard from planet Halkan during an ion storm which resulted in the transfer of the landing party to a parallel universe. His counterpart in that universe was punished with an agonizer by Spock because he didn't compensate during the storm. TOS Mirror, Mirror. He served as helmsman when the Enterprise was ordered to divert to Sector 39J to investigate the fate of the starship Intrepid. The vessel encountered a giant space amoeba during that mission. TOS The Immunity Syndrome. TOS The Lights of Zetar. TAS Beyond the Farthest Star. In 2285, he was serving as comm officer aboard the Starship Reliant. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

John Winston, James Doohan

2266-2269 - Lieutenant (Transporter Officer, Helmsman), U.S.S. Enterprise
2267 - Transporter Officer, I.S.S. Enterprise
2285 - Commander (Comm Officer), U.S.S. Reliant

Kyoto human, female
Kyoto deactivated the EMH when he was preparing a culture to test Lt. Hargrove for Arethian flu in 2371. VOY Eye of the Needle. Her quarters aboard Voyager were on deck 6. When a spatial distortion ring being had changed Voyager's layout in 2371, her quarters were nearby Ayala's, Hargrove's, and Nicolettis quarters, whereas under normal circumstances they would be in on different decks. VOY Twisted. On stardate 51501.4, Kyoto received a letter from home via a Starfleet transmission sent through an ancient network of alien relay stations. VOY Hunters.

2371-2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Voyager

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