Home | Up | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | ? Admirals | Captains | Commanders | Lieutenant Commanders | Lieutenants | Lieutenants JG | Ensigns | Enlisted Personnel |
Pacelli, Alfonse D. | human, male | ||
![]() TNG Eye of the Beholder. |
U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Painter | human, male | ||
![]() He was on duty during the mission to investigate the fate of colonists on planet Omicron Ceti III in 2266. TOS This Side of Paradise. Dick Scotter |
2266 - Lieutenant (Navigator), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Palamas, Carolyn | human, female | ||
![]() Palamas served on a landing party to planet Pollux IV that encountered the entity Apollo in 2266. The humanoid Apollo found Palamas attractive, and Palamas found Apollo fascinating on both a professional and personal level. Realizing that Apollo intended to enslave the Enterprise crew, Palamas spurned his advances. Apollo eventually released the ship and vanished into oblivion. TOS Who Mourns for Adonais?. Leslie Parrish |
2266 - Lieutenant (A&A Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Palmer | human, female | ||
![]() Palmer received a distress call from the USS Constellation in 2266. TOS The Doomsday Machine. TOS The Way to Eden.
Elizabeth Rogers |
2266-2268 - Lieutenant (Comm Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Palmer | human, female | ||
![]() Palmer was assigned to transporter duty during an away team mission to Nervala IV. TNG Second Chances. Dr. Mae Jemison |
2369 - Lieutenant JG (Transporter Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Palmers | human | ||
![]() Security Chief Odo assigned Ensign Palmers back to the night watch in 2371. DS9 Shakaar. |
2371 - Ensign (Security Officer), Deep Space 9 |
Paris, Linnis | human/ocampa, female | ||
![]() She was the daughter of Thomas Paris and Kes in a possible future. In this reality Kes and Tom married and had a daughter in 2374. Linnis worked in sickbay with her mother. She married Harry Kim, and the two had a son, Andrew Kim, in 2378. VOY Before and After. Jessica Collins |
b. 2374, Voyager shuttlecraft 2378-2379 - Crewman (Medical Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Paris, Miral | human/klingon, female | ||
![]() VOY Endgame. Lisa LoCicero |
b. 2377, U.S.S. Voyager 2403 - Ensign |
Paris, Owen | human, male | ||
![]() He commanded the Al-Batani during the Arias expedition. VOY Caretaker. VOY Time and Again. He was teaching survival strategies at Starfleet Academy when his son, Tom Paris, attended the Academy. Tom only got a B minus in his father's class. VOY Parturition. In 2372, the Bothans attacked Voyager with a psionic field which caused the crew to have hallucinations. Tom Paris hallucinated his father taunting him. VOY Persistence of Vision. He taught his son that crying was a sign of weakness. VOY Threshold. He sent his son, Tom Paris, a letter via an ancient alien network of relay station when he learned, that Voyager was in the Delta Quadrant. Unfortunately, Voyager was not able to download the letter in time. VOY Hunters. VOY Pathfinder. VOY Inside Man. VOY Author, Author. VOY Endgame.
Warren Munson, Richard Herd |
CO, U.S.S. Al-Batani |
Paris, Thomas Eugene | human, male | ||
![]() VOY. Robert Duncan McNeill |
U.S.S. Exeter |
Parker | human, male | ||
![]() He was assigned to Ops by Lt. Castillo in 2366. TNG Yesterday's Enterprise. |
d. 2344 - NCO (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-C |
Parker | human | ||
![]() DS9 The Siege of AR-558. |
Commander, AR-558 |
Parsons | human, male | ||
![]() When the EMH was trapped in a holographic simulation caused by a kinoplasmic radiation surge, a holographic Janeway ordered a holographic Parsons to arrest the EMH because he had disobeyed Janeway's orders. VOY Projections. |
2371 - Crewman (Security Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Parsons, Michael | human, male | ||
![]() Neelix asked Ensign Parsons to fill in for him in the galley when he was ordered to the bridge by Capt. Janeway. VOY Phage. Neelix suspected Parsons of being controlled by an alien presence in 2371. Parsons was known to drink pejuta. VOY Cathexis. He was also part of Voyager's crew in an alternate reality visited by Ensign Harry Kim in 2372. VOY Non Sequitur. He had a microbial infection near stardate 50836. VOY Real Life. On stardate 51501.4, Parsons received a letter from home via a Starfleet transmission sent through an ancient network of alien relay stations. VOY Hunters. |
2371-2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Voyager |
Parton | human, male | ||
![]() In 2374, Parton was part of a training cruise aboard the U.S.S. Valiant, which was caught behind enemy lines when the Dominion war broke out. Parton was killed when the Valiant's acting commander, Tim Watters, unwisely ordered the ship on a mission to take out a Dominion battleship. DS9 Valiant. Scott Hamm |
d. 2374, U.S.S. Valiant 2374 - Cadet, Red Squad |
Patterson | human, male | ||
![]() VOY Relativity. |
Vice Admiral |
Pauley | human, male | ||
![]() DS9 Q-Less. |
2369 - Ensign (Science Officer), Deep Space 9 |
Pavlick | human, female | ||
![]() Pavlick was on duty during the ship's mission to the Alpha Omicron system and helped Dr. Leah Brahms access holodeck files on the engine modifications Lt. Cmdr. La Forge made to the Enterprise-D. TNG Galaxy's Child. Jana Marie Hupp |
2367 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Pazlar, Melora | elaysian, female | ||
![]() Pazlar was the first Elaysian in Starfleet, and one of the very few of her species to leave her native world. Because her people evolved in a low-gravity environment, Pazlar faced many obstacles in becoming a Starfleet officer and developed a defensive attitude as a result. Pazlar was nevertheless a well-rounded officer; she had a working knowledge of Vulcan music and an impressive command of the Klingon language. During her assignment on the station, Pazlar was instrumental in the capture of a criminal, Fallit Kot, who had been threatening station personnel. DS9 Melora. Daphne Ashbrook |
2370 - Ensign (Stellar Cartographer), Deep Space 9 |
Pechetti | human, male | ||
![]() As a hobby, Pechetti collected Cardassian military emblems and insignia. In 2373, Pechetti accompanied a salvage team from DS9 sent to the abandoned Cardassian station Empok Nor to get replacement engineering components. Pechetti was killed on Empok Nor by a Cardassian soldier who was left behind in stasis to guard the station against intruders. DS9 Empok Nor. Tom Hodges |
d. 2373, Empok Nor 2373 - Crewman (Engineer), Deep Space 9 |
Peebles | human, male | ||
![]() Peebles was one of the first of the Enterprise-D crew to suffer hallucinations as a result of his dream-deprived state when the ship was trapped in a Tyken's Rift in 2367. TNG Night Terrors. Craig Hurley |
2367 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Pendleton | human, male | ||
![]() TNG Aquiel. |
2369 - Chief Petty Officer (Comm Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Perez | human, male | ||
![]() Star Trek: The Motion Picture. |
2273 - Ensign (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Perim, Kell | trill, female | ||
![]() Perim served as bridge Flight Controll Officer aboard the Enterprise-E during the conflict between the Son'a and the Ba'ku. Star Trek: Insurrection. Stephanie Niznik |
b. 2346 2375 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-E |
Peterson | human | ||
![]() DS9 Tribunal. |
Deep Space 9 |
Peterson | human | ||
![]() In 2372, while serving on the bridge of the U.S.S. Defiant, Peterson was killed during a Jem'Hadar attack in the Gamma Quadrant. DS9 Starship Down. |
d. 2372, U.S.S. Defiant 2372 - U.S.S. Defiant |
Peterson, Sandra | human, female | ||
![]() She was part of Voyager's crew in an alternate reality visited by Ensign Harry Kim in 2372. VOY Non Sequitur. |
2371-2372 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Phillips | human | ||
![]() In 2267, Captain Kirk chose Phillips for landing party duty to planet Alpha Carinae II. The M-5 multitronic computer, when being tested aboard the Enterprise, also picked Phillips because he had surveyed 29 biologically similar planets. TOS The Ultimate Computer. |
2267 - Astrobiologist, USS Enterprise |
Picard, Jean-Luc | human, male | ||
![]() DS9 The Assignment. TNG. DS9 Emissary. Star Trek: Generations. VOY Deathwish. Star Trek: First Contact. VOY Scorpion, Part 2. DS9 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River. Star Trek: Insurrection. Star Trek: Nemesis. ENT These Are the Voyages.... Patrick Stewart, David Tristen Birkin, Tom Hardy |
b. 13 July 2305, LaBarre (France) 2323 - Cadet 4th class, Starfleet Academy |
Pierce | human | ||
![]() ENT Affliction. |
2154 - Engineer, Starship Columbia NX-02 |
Pierce, Jeffrey | human, male | ||
![]() ENT Borderland. |
2154 - Ensign, Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Pierce, Walter J. | human, male | ||
![]() TNG Eye of the Beholder. Mark Rolston |
Piersall | human, male | ||
![]() Piersall was in command of the U.S.S. Prometheus during Prof. Gideon Seyetik's mission to reignite the sun Epsilon 119 in 2370. DS9 Second Sight. Mark Erickson |
2370 - Lieutenant Commander (CO), U.S.S. Prometheus |
Pierson | human, male | ||
![]() Pierson worked to help repair the experimental particle fountain at planet Tyrus VIIA in 2369. TNG The Quality of Life. |
2369 - Lt. (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Pike, Christopher | human, male | ||
![]() Pike commanded one of the first missions to planet Talos IV, after which Starfleet imposed General Order 7, prohibiting Federation contact with that planet. He took command of the Enterprise in 2250 and conducted two five-year missions of exploration. The Cage. Pike suffered severe radiation injuries in 2266 as a result of an accident aboard a class J training ship. Wheelchair-bound as a result of delta-ray exposure, Pike went to live on Talos IV when the Talosians offered to use their power of illusion to provide him with a life unfettered by his physical body. TOS The Menagerie. In a parallel universe, Capt. Kirk succeeded to command I.S.S. Enterprise through assassination of Capt. Pike. TOS Mirror, Mirror. An Enterprise-D shuttlecraft was named after him. TNG The Most Toys. There's also a city on planet Cestus III named for him. DS9 Family Business. DS9 Tears of the Prophets. DS9 Take Me Out to the Holosuite. Jeffrey Hunter, Sean Kenney |
b. in the Mojave-Desert 2250-2265 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Pinder | human, male | ||
![]() TNG Man of the People. |
2369 - Lt. (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Piper | human, female | ||
![]() TOS The Menagerie, Part 1. Julie Parrish |
2266 - Starbase 11 |
Piper, Mark | human, male | ||
![]() He was the CMO aboard the Enterprise in 2265 and predecessor to Dr. McCoy. TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before. Paul Fix |
2265 - Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Pitcairn | human, male | ||
![]() The Cage. TOS The Menagerie. Glegg Hoyt |
2254 - Transporter Chief, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Platt, Jerry | human, male | ||
![]() He was part of Voyager's crew in an alternate reality visited by Ensign Harry Kim in 2372. VOY Non Sequitur. |
2371-2372 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Porter | human, male | ||
![]() He was willing to switch quarters with Ensign Sato in 2151 because Sato had trouble sleeping in starboard quarters. ENT Fight or Flight. |
2151 - Ensign, Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Porter, A. | human | ||
![]() Porter was part of Voyager's crew in an alternate reality visited by Ensign Harry Kim in 2372. VOY Non Sequitur. |
2371-2372 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Porter, Paul | human, male | ||
![]() Porter was captured and assimilated by the Borg when they attempted to take over the Enterprise-E in 2373. Star Trek: First Contact. Eric Steinberg |
d. 2373, U.S.S. Enterprise-E 2373 - Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise-E |
Potts | human | ||
![]() TNG Brothers. |
2364 - U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Powell | human, female | ||
![]() VOY Resolutions. |
2371-2372 - Ens., U.S.S. Voyager |
Powell, Andrew | human, male | ||
![]() TNG Descent, Part 2. TNG Lower Decks. TNG Genesis. |
2370 - Lt., U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Pressman, Erik | human, male | ||
![]() TNG The Pegasus. Terry O'Quinn |
2358 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Pegasus |
Preston, Peter | human, male | ||
![]() Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Ike Eisenmann |
d. 2285, U.S.S. Enterprise 2285 - Midshipman 1c (Engineer's mate), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Prieto, Ben | human, male | ||
![]() Prieto transported Counsellor Troi back to the Enterprise-D when the shuttle was forced down on planet Vagra II by Armus. TNG Skin of Evil. Raymond Forchion |
2364 - Lt. (Shuttlepilot), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Primmin, George | human, male | ||
![]() Primmin's self-assured attitude annoyed Odo. Primmin had been a security officer since 2363. DS9 The Passenger. DS9 Move Along Home. James Lashly |
2363 - Security Officer |
Prixus | male | ||
![]() Prixus, a specialist in mineralogy and metallurgy, assisted in the geological survey of planets in the Selcundi Drema sector in 2365. TNG Pen Pals. |
2365 - Science Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Probert | human, male | ||
![]() He ordered the U.S.S. Columbia to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Revere on stardate 7411.4. The message was relayed through the Epsilon IX monitoring station. Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
2273 - Commodore |
Pulaski, Katherine | human, female | ||
![]() While aboard the Enterprise-D, Pulaski nearly died of a disease closely resembling old age, after she was exposed to genetically engineered human children at the Darwin Genetic Research Station on planet Gagarin IV. Pulaski recovered from the disease, thanks to a transporter-based technique, despite the fact that she harboured a phobia about transporter use. Pulaski cared for Kyle Riker after he was nearly killed in a Tholian attack in 2353. The two fell in love, and Pulaski would later recall that she would have married him "in a cold minute" given the opportunity, but that Riker had other priorities. Following her involvement with Riker, Pulaski married three times. As of 2365, she noted that she remained good friends with all three men. Counsellor Troi commented once that Pulaski's greatest medical skill was her empathy with her patients, evidenced by the use of PCS (Pulaski's Chicken Soup) in treating the flu virus. TNG (Season 2). Diana Muldaur |
2365 - Commander (Chief Medical Officer), U.S.S. Repulse |
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p |