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Starfleet Officers

Quaice, Dr. Dalen human, male
Quaice, Dr. Dalen
Dr. Quaice had been a friend and mentor to Dr. Beverly Crusher, who did her internship with Quaice in 2352 on planet Delos IV. In 2367, following the death of his wife, Patricia, Dr. Quaice resigned his position at Starbase 133 and returned to his home on Kenda II aboard the Enterprise-D. He was one of the first persons to disappear from Beverly Crusher's universe during her entrapment in a static warp shell. TNG Remember Me.

Bill Erwin

b. on Kenda II

2352 - Medical Officer, Delos IV
2361-2367 - Commander (Medical Officer), Starbase 133

Quinn, Gregory human, male
Quinn, Gregory
He played a crucial role in uncovering the attempted takeover of Starfleet Command in 2364. As part of his effort to uncover the situation, Quinn ordered Inspector General Dexter Remmick to investigate the Enterprise-D for possible infestation. TNG Coming of Age. None was discovered at the time, although Quinn himself later became victim of the alien infestation when his mind was overtaken by the unknown alien intelligence that attempted to infiltrate Starfleet Headquarters in 2364. TNG Conspiracy.

Ward Costello

2364 - Rear Admiral (lh), Starfleet HQ

Quintana human, male
DS9 Meridian.

Quinteros, Orfil human, male
Quinteros, Orfil
Quinteros had been in charge of the team that assembled the Starship Enterprise-D. Quinteros oversaw computer systems upgrades to the Enterprise-D at Starbase 74 in 2364. TNG 11001001.

Gene Dynarski
Gene Dynarski also played miner Ben Childress in TOS Mudd's Women and an aide to Ambassador Hodin in TOS The Mark of Gideon.

Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (Mars)
2364 - Commander (CO), Starbase 74

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