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Starfleet Officers

Fang-lee human
Fang-Lee died sometime before stardate 45587.3. In 2368, Cmdr. Riker mentioned Fang-lee when Worf wanted to commit suicide after he was paralyzed in accident. TNG Ethics.


U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Farley human
In 2376, the EMH gave a lecture on insects indigenous to the Delta quadrant. According to Lt. Torres, it was pretty boring, until Ensign Farley started snoring and then no one could keep a straight face with the exception of the EMH who wasn't at all amused. VOY Memorial.

2371-2376 - Ensign, U.S.S. Voyager

Farrell human, male
In a parallel universum, Farrell was part of Captain Kirk's personal security detachment. He and another security guard arrived seconds after an attempt on Kirk's life by Chekov had failed. They arrestd Chekov and escorted him to an agony booth. Kirk later ordered him to release Chekov and confine him to quarters. TOS Mirror, Mirror.

Pete Kellett

2267 - I.S.S. Enterprise

Farrell human, female
In 2370, Lt. Cmdr. La Forge ordered her to check out the deuterium cartridges. TNG Phantasms. Star Trek: Generations.

Dendrie Taylor

2370-2371 - Lt. (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Farrell, John human, male
Farrell, John
TOS Mudd's Women. TOS The Enemy Within. TOS Miri.

Jim Goodwin

2265-2266 - Lieutenant (Navigator), U.S.S. Enterprise

Farris, Karen human, female
Farris, Karen
In 2374, Farris and 34 other members of the elite Red Squad embarked on a three-month training cruise aboard the Valiant, which had been caught behind enemy lines when the Dominion war broke out. When the ship's senior officers were killed in battle, cadet Tim Watters assumed command and assigned Farris as his XO. Farris and most of the crew were killed and the Valiant destroyed when Watters unwisely ordered the ship to attack a massive Dominion battleship. DS9 Valiant.

Courtney Peldon

d. 2374, U.S.S. Valiant

2374 - Cadet, Red Squad
2374 - Commander (XO), U.S.S. Valiant

Faul, Brian human, male
Faul, Brian
TNG Samaritan Snare

Physician, Starbase 515

Felton human, female
TNG A Matter of Time. TNG New Ground. TNG Hero Worship. TNG Masterpiece Society. TNG Imaginary Friend.

Shelia Franklin

2368 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Finn, Marla E. human, female
Finn, Marla E.
TNG Eye of the Beholder.

Nora Leonhardt
Nora Leonhardt was a regular stand-in and extra on Star Trek TNG. She worded as Marina Sirtis's stand-in, and could occasionally be seen as a background Enterprise-D crew member.


Finnegan human, male
TOS Shore Leave.

Bruce Mars
Bruce Mars also played a New York police officer in TOS Assignment: Earth.

Cadet, Starfleet Academy

Finney, Ben human, male
Finney, Ben
As an instructor, he developed a close friendship with cadet James Kirk. Ben's daughter is named after Kirk - Jamie Finney. About the year 2254, both Finney and Kirk are on a training cruise aboard the U.S.S. Republic. While on the training cruise, Lt. Finney left a circuit to the atomic pile open. Kirk, now an ensign, reported the infraction and Finney is sent to the bottom of the promotion list. Many years later, Finney is assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise as records officer. TOS Court Martial.

Richard Webb

Lt. (Instructor), Starfleet Academy
2254 - Lt., U.S.S. Republic
2266 - Lieutenant Commander (Records Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Finok, Brinner male
Finok, Brinner
Ezri Dax was interested in Brinner Finok when both served aboard the U.S.S. Destiny but after she was joined she thought they weren't right for each other anymore. He reminded her too much of Audrid Dax's son, Gran. DS9 Prodigal Daughter.

2374-2375 - Ensign, U.S.S. Destiny

Fisher human, male
ENT Dead Stop.

2151-2152 - Crewman, Starship Enterprise NX-01

Fisher human, male
TOS The Enemy Within.

Edward Madden

2265 - Petty Officer (Geological Technician), U.S.S. Enterprise

Fitzgerald human, male
TOS The Mark of Gideon.

Richard Derr
Richard Derr also played Commodore Barstow in TOS The Alternative Factor.

2268 - VAdm.

Fitzgerald * human, male
Fitzgerald *
VOY Caretaker.

* This character's names comes from L.A. Graf's novelization of "Caretaker". He was named Bist in Susan Wright's novel "The Badlands, Book 2".

d. 2371, U.S.S. Voyager

2371 - Lieutenant Commander (CMO), U.S.S. Voyager

Fitzpatrick human, male
TOS The Trouble with Tribbles.

Ed Reimers

2267 - Vice Admiral

Fitzpatrick human, male
On stardate 51501.4, Fitzpatrick received a letter from home via a Starfleet transmission sent through an ancient network of alien relay stations. VOY Hunters.

2371-2374 - Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager

Flaherty human, male
Flaherty possessed uncanny linguistic skills, speaking over forty languages, including Klingon, Romulan, Giamon, and Stroyerian. Flaherty would have been Riker's first officer if he had accepted command of the Aries in 2365. TNG The Icarus Factor.

2365 - Commander (XO), U.S.S. Aries

Fletcher human, male
ENT Broken Bow.

Jason Grant Smith
Fletcher' s name was not mentioned in dialogue, but is from script.

2151 - Crewman 4c (Services Div.), Starship Enterprise NX-01

Fletcher human, male
In 2364, he helped Chief O'Brien to realign the entire power grid before the Enterprise-D's first mission. TNG All Good Things.... During the Enterprise-D's mission to the Typhon Expanse in 2368, Fletcher was working with Lt. Cmdr. La Forge on a catwalk over the warp core when La Forge became dizzy. Fletcher caught La Forge before he tumbled off the catwalk. TNG Cause and Effect.

2364-2368 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Flood, Ann T. human, female
Flood, Ann T.
She was killed in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Flood also served aboard the U.S.S. Repulse, U.S.S. Sarajevo, Starbase 129, and Starbase 153 at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-)

d. 2374

2374 - Nurse, U.S.S. Cochrane

Flores human
Flores' daughter, Marissa, was one of the winners of the primary-school science fair. TNG Disaster.

2368 - U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Foley human, male
TNG Ménage à Troi.

2366 - Lt. (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Forrest, Maxwell human, male
Forrest, Maxwell
ENT Broken Bow. ENT Fortunate Son. ENT Shadows of P'Jem. ENT Fusion. ENT Fallen Hero. ENT Shockwave, Part 1 & 2. ENT The Seventh. ENT Cease Fire. ENT Future Tense. ENT Regeneration. ENT First Flight. ENT The Expanse. ENT Home. ENT The Forge.

Vaughn Armstrong

d. 2154, Vulcan
d. 2155, I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01

Commodore, Starfleet Command
2151-2154 - Vice Admiral, Starfleet Command
2155 - Captain (CO), I.S.S. Enterprise

Foster human, male
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

Phil Morris
Foster's name was not mentioned in dialogue, but appeared in the end credits.

2285 - Lieutenant JG, U.S.S. Enterprise

Foster human
Foster stopped by at sickbay for some analgesic in 2372. VOY Lifesigns. VOY The Chute. VOY Waking Moments.

2371-2374 - Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager

Frame, Dr. human
Frame, Dr.
Dr. Frame treated Admiral William Ross who had suffered an aneurysm in 2375. DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges.

2375 - Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Bellerophon

Franklin, Matt human, male
Franklin, Matt
Franklin served aboard the Jenolan at the time it crashed into a Dyson sphere in 2294. Franklin and Captain Montgomery Scott survived the crash and attempted to keep themselves alive until a rescue ship arrived by suspending themselves in a transporter pattern buffer. The attempt was partially successful. Scott survived for 75 years, but Franklin died when his pattern degraded beyond recovery. TNG Relics.

d. aboard U.S.S. Jenolan

2294 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Jenolan

Fratis, Jeffrey human, male
Fratis, Jeffrey
TNG Man of the People.

2369 - Lt. (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Frazier, Riley human, female
Frazier, Riley
Frazier served aboard the Roosevelt at the battle of Wolf 359. Frazier was assimilated by the Borg when the Roosevelt was destroyed, and was taken to the Delta Quadrant aboard a Borg ship. She managed to escape when the Borg vessel was disabled in an electrokinetic storm. Dr. Frazier and her fellow survivors eventually reverted to their original personalities, and colonized a planet in the Nekrit Expanse. VOY Unity.

Lori Hallier

2366-2367 - Science Officer, U.S.S. Roosevelt

Frederick human
In 2370, Miles O'Brien assumed that Keiko had sent Molly over to stay with the Fredericks to keep her away from Rugal, a Cardassian boy who stayed with the O'Briens briefly. Miles thought Rugal could be dangerous because he almost bit Garak's hand off. DS9 Cardassians. Molly O'Brien spended the night over at the Fredericks in 2370 to keep her out of the way of a Paradan replicant of Miles O'Brien. DS9 Whispers.

The Fredericks became the Fredricksons in DS9 Whispers.

2370 - Deep Space 9

Fredericks human, male
He was assigned to conn by Lt. Castillo in 2366. TNG Yesterday's Enterprise.

d. 2344

2344 - NCO (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-C

Fredrickson, John A. human, male
Fredrickson, John A.
He was killed in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Fredrickson also served aboard Starbase 129 and Starbase 153 at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-)

d. 2374

2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Cochrane

Freedle, Sam human, male
Freedle, Sam
TNG Samaritan Snare

Physician, Starbase 515

Freeman human, male
An Enterprise crew member who did not start the fight on Deep Space Station K-7 with the Klingons in 2267. TOS The Trouble with Tribbles.

Paul Baxley
Episode writer David Gerrold intended this character as a walk-on part for himself, but the role went to Paul Baxley.

2267 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise

Fujisaki human, male
DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges.

d. 2374

2374 - Vice Admiral, Starfleet Intelligence

Fuller human, female
ENT Shockwave, Part 2. ENT The Expanse.

2151-2152 - Crewman, Starship Enterprise NX-01

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