Home | Up | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | ? Admirals | Captains | Commanders | Lieutenant Commanders | Lieutenants | Lieutenants JG | Ensigns | Enlisted Personnel |
D'Amato | human, male | ||
He was killed in 2268 on a landing party to the mysterious Kalandan outpost. D'Amato was killed by cellular disruption caused by a mechanism devised to protect the planetoid. TOS That Which Survives. Arthur Batanides |
d. 2268 2268 - Lieutenant (Senior Geologist), U.S.S. Enterprise |
D'Amato | human, male | ||
TNG Sarek. |
2366 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
D'Sora, Jenna | human, female | ||
D'Sora pursued a brief romantic relationship with Lt. Cmdr. Data in late 2367, shortly after she broke up with Jeff Arton. The relationship did not prove successful. TNG In Theory. Michele Scarabelli |
2367 - Lieutenant JG (Security & Tactical Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Dalby, Kenneth | human, male | ||
VOY Learning Curve. Armand Schultz |
2371 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Daneeka | human, male | ||
Daneeka served under Capt. Leyton aboard the Okinawa when Benjamin Sisko was the vessel's XO. In 2372, Daneeka and several other former Okinawa officers were reassigned by Admiral Leyton in preparation for his attempted coup of Earth's government. DS9 Paradise Lost.
U.S.S. Okinawa |
Danhauser, Curt F. | human, male | ||
He was wounded in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
2374 - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Cochrane |
Daniels | human, male | ||
Star Trek: First Contact. Star Trek: Insurrection. Michael Horton |
b. 2340 2373-2375 - Lieutenant (Tactical Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-E |
Daniels | human, male | ||
ENT Coldfront. ENT Shockwave, Part 1 & 2. Matt Winston |
2151-2152 - Crewman 3c (Steward), Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Daren, Neela | human, female | ||
An accomplished pianist, Neela Daren discovered that Capt. Jean-Luc Picard played a Ressikan flute, and the two enjoyed playing duets together. their mutual appreciation for music soon blossomed into a romantic relationship. When a firestorm threatened lives on planet Bersallis III, Daren was chosen to supervise installation of thermal deflector units to protect the outpost. Daren and several other crew members risked their lives by operating the deflectors manually so all colonists could be safely transported to the ship. After the incident, it became obvious to both that it would be extremely difficult to continue their relationship because Picard would hesitate to place her in danger again. Each refusing to give up their professions, Daren requested a transfer off the Enterprise-D. TNG Lessons. Wendy Hughes |
2369 - Lieutenant Commander (Head of Stellar Sciences), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Darnell | human, male | ||
He was killed in 2265 by the M-113 creature. TOS The Man Trap. Michael Zaslow |
d. 2265, M-113 2265 - Crewman (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Darson | human, male | ||
Darson was among 47 people killed in the notorious first-contact mission at Ghorusda. Darson was later found responsible for the Ghorusda disaster. TNG Tin Man. |
d. Captain (CO), U.S.S. Adelphi |
Darwin, Frank | human, male | ||
His training instructer recommended him as an officer's candidate, but he turned it down to come with Voyager. He has three sisters. Darwin was murdered by Ensign Lon Suder in 2372, because Suder didn't like the way Darwin looked at him. VOY Meld. |
d. 2372, U.S.S. Voyager 2371-2372 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Data | android, male | ||
TNG. Star Trek: Generations. Star Trek: First Contact. Star Trek: Insurrection. VOY Prototype. VOY Inside Man. Star Trek: Nemesis. ENT These Are the Voyages…. Brent Spiner |
a. 2 February 2338, Omicron Theta d. 2379, Warbird Scimitar 2341 - Cadet 4th class, Starfleet Academy |
Davies | human, male | ||
Davies participated in the geological survey of planets in the Selcundi Drema sector in 2365. The survey was supervised by Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher. Davies attempted to assist Crusher in the project, but his offers of help served to undermine young Crusher's confidence. TNG Pen Pals. Nicholas Cascone |
2365 - Ensign (Geologist), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Davis | human | ||
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. |
2293 - NCO, U.S.S. Enterprise-A |
Davis | human, male | ||
TNG Violations. Craig Benton |
2368 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Davis | human, male | ||
TNG Descent, Part 1. |
2370 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Davis | human | ||
Molly O'Brien slept at the Davis's when Keiko O'Brien was possessed by a Pah-wraith in 2373. DS9 The Assignment. |
2373 - Deep Space 9 |
Davison | human, female | ||
TAS The Lorelei Signal. Nichelle Nichols |
2268 - Security Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Dax | male | ||
In 2293, incriminating evidence, magnetic boots, were planted in Dax's personal locker, implicating him in the murder of Chancellor Gorkon, but Dax's foot structure was clearly unable to fit boots designed for humans. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Michael Snyder |
2293 - Able Seaman, U.S.S. Enterprise-A |
Dax, Ezri | trill, female | ||
DS9 (Season 7). Nicole deBoer |
2374-2375 - Ensign (Assistant Counsellor), U.S.S. Destiny |
Dax, Jadzia | trill, female | ||
DS9 (Season 1-6). Terry Farrell |
b. 2341, Trill d. 2374, Deep Space 9 2369-2370 - Lieutenant (Science Officer), Deep Space 9 |
Dealt, Hester | human, male | ||
Dealt supervised the transport of plasma plague specimens aboard the Enterprise-D to Science Station Tango Sierra to help combat the plague outbreak in the Rachelis system in 2365. TNG The Child. Seymour Cassel |
2365 - Lieutenant Commander, Medical Collection Station 'audet IX |
Dean | human, male | ||
He was an accomplished swordsman and enjoyed fencing with Captain Picard in the ship's gymnasium. TNG We'll Always Have Paris. Dan Kern |
2364 - Lt., U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Decker | human | ||
Decker got sick in late 2373 and Chief O'Brien had to stand in for him and recalibrate EPS regulators in a cargo bay. DS9 In the Cards. |
2373 - Engineer, Deep Space 9 |
Decker, Matthew | human, male | ||
Decker's ship was attacked by a robotic planet killer weapon in 2266. During the attack, Decker sent his crew down to the third planet in the L-374 system, but shortly thereafter, the planet killer destroyed all the planets in that system, leaving Decker aboard his ship as the only survivor. Decker later commandeered an Enterprise shuttlecraft on a suicide attack against the planet killer. The attack was unsuccessful, but his actions paved the way to the planet killer's destruction. TOS The Doomsday Machine. William Windom |
d. 2266, Enterprise shuttlecraft 2266 - Commodore (CO), U.S.S. Constellation |
Decker, Willard | human, male | ||
He was captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise during the ship's refitting in 2270-2271. Decker, who had been assigned to the Enterprise at Kirk's recommendation, was replaced by Kirk and downgraded to executive officer when the ship intercepted the V'Ger entity near Earth in 2271. Decker was apparently killed when he physically joined with V'Ger to help dissuade that entity from destroying the Earth. Decker was listed as "missing in action". Before his assignment to the Enterprise, Decker had been stationed on planet Delta IV, and was romantically involved with future Enterprise navigator Ilia. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Stephen Collins |
d. 2273, V'Ger Delta IV |
DeCurtis | human, male | ||
DS9 Whispers. Todd Waring |
2370 - Ensign (Engineer), Deep Space 9 |
Dehner, Dr. Elizabeth | human, female | ||
She graduated from the College of Medical Sciences at the Tri-Planetary Academy. At the college, she wrote a thesis on extrasensory perception in alien lifeforms. She was transferred to the Aldebaran Colony (Aldebaran 3) for further research into this subject. She was assigned to the Enterprise in 2265 to study the crew's reactions to crisis situations. Dehner became mutated, along with Lt. Cmdr. Gary Mitchell, into a godlike being. Dehner and Mitchell were later killed when Enterprise captain Kirk sought to quarantine them on planet Delta Vega. Both were later listed as having given their lives in the line of duty. TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before. Sally Kellerman |
b. 2244, Delman d. 2265, Delta Vega 2265 - Psychologist, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Deighan, Drew | human, male | ||
TNG Sins of the Father. |
2346 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Intrepid |
Delaney * | human, female | ||
She served aboard the Saratoga during the Battle of Wolf 359. She was killed when the Borg managed to penetrate the Saratoga's shields. DS9 Emissary. Cassandra Byram |
d. 2366, U.S.S. Saratoga 2366 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Saratoga |
Delaney, Jenny | human, female | ||
In early 2371, Tom Paris tried to arrange a double date with the Delaney sisters for him and Harry Kim. VOY Time and Again. One of the Delaney sisters was seeing Ensign Murphy before Tom Paris and Harry Kim made their move. Before stardate 48642.5, Tom and Kim took a trip to Venice with them on the holodeck. Kim and Jenny took a gondola but unfortunately Kim fell over the side. VOY Prime Factors. VOY The Chute. VOY Thirty Days. VOY Muse. Alissa Kramer |
2371-2376 - Stellar Cartographer, U.S.S. Voyager |
Delaney, Megan | human, female | ||
In early 2371, Tom Paris tried to arrange a double date with the Delaney sisters for him and Harry Kim. VOY Time and Again. One of the Delaney sisters was seeing Ensign Murphy before Tom Paris and Harry Kim made their move. Before stardate 48642.5, Tom and Kim took a trip to Venice with them on the holodeck. VOY Prime Factors. VOY The Chute. VOY Thirty Days. VOY Muse. Heidi Kramer |
2371-2376 - Stellar Cartographer, U.S.S. Voyager |
Dell | |||
In 2374, when Capt. Janeway enlisted the Voyager's crew to help carry out the Omega Directive, Dell was assigned the task of recalibrating the ionic pressure seals of harmonic resonance chamber. For the project, 7 of 9 designated Dell as "3 of 10". VOY The Omega Directive. |
2371-2374 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Deng | human, female | ||
Deng assisted in setting up the thermal deflectors against a fierce firestorm on planet Bersallis III in 2369. TNG Lessons. |
2369 - Science Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
DePaul | human, male | ||
TOS Arena. TOS A Taste of Armageddon. Sean Kenney |
2266 - Lieutenant (Navigator), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Dern | human, male | ||
TNG Realm of Fear. TNG Genesis. Carlos Ferro |
d. 2370, U.S.S. Enterprise-D 2369 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Derr, Laura E. | human, female | ||
She was killed in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
d. 2374 2374 - Lieutenant JG, U.S.S. Cochrane |
DeSalle, Vincent | human, male | ||
He was on bridge duty when the Enterprise discovered the planet Gothos in 2266. Shortly after the discovery, Capt. Kirk and Lt. Sulu disappeared from the bridge and DeSalle, Dr. McCoy, and Lt. Jaeger transported to the planet's surface to carry out a search. They were successful in finding Kirk and Sulu and also discovered a powerful being called Trelane. He had the misfortune to be stunned twice by Trelane. TOS The Squire of Gothos. He was part of the landing party to the Federation colony on Omicron Ceti III in 2266. He noticed that for an agricultural colony, they had very little acreage planted. Just enough to sustain the colony. He was exposed to spores from an alien flower on Omicron Ceti III, causing him to lose interest in his duties and mutiny. Mr. Spock used a subsonic transmitter to neutralise the effect of the spores. This triggered violent emotions in all crewmembers and DeSalle got into a fight with Lt. Sulu. They broke off their fight when the influence of the spores wore off. TOS This Side of Paradise. He was placed in charge of starship Enterprise when Kirk and a landing party beamed down to Pyris VII to search for Lt. Cmdr. Scott and Lt. Sulu. TOS Catspaw. Michael Barrier |
2266 - Lieutenant (Navigator), U.S.S. Enterprise |
DeSeve, Stefan | human, male | ||
TNG Face of the Enemy. Barry Lynch |
~2349 - Ensign |
DeSoto, Robert | human, male | ||
Future Enterprise-D Executive Officer William Riker served under DeSoto aboard the Hood after Riker's assignment to the U.S.S. Potemkin. TNG Encounter at Farpoint. DeSoto spoke very highly of Riker, despite an incident in which Riker refused to let DeSoto beam into a hazardous situation on Altair III. TNG The Pegasus. In 2366, DeSoto and the Hood were assigned to transport mission specialist Tam Elbrun for a priority rendezvous with the Enterprise-D. TNG Tin Man. Chief Al Lorenzo had a holophoto of himself behind Robert DeSoto's desk. DS9 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River. Michael Cavanaugh |
2364-2366 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Hood |
Dickerson | human, male | ||
Dickerson was in charge of the security detail that welcomed the Excalbian re-creation of President Abraham Lincoln aboard the Enterprise in 2268. He piped the bosun's whistle when Lincoln was beamed aboard. TOS The Savage Curtain. Arell Blanton |
2268 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Diego | human | ||
In 2374, Captain Diego commanded one of the Starfleet vessels that participated in the retaking of DS9 from Dominion control. DS9 Sacrifice of Angels. |
2374 - Captain |
DiFalco | human, female | ||
She replaced Ilia on the bridge after Ilia was abducted by V'Ger. Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Marcy Lafferty |
2273 - Chief Petty Officer (Navigator), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Dillard | human, male | ||
ENT Unexpected. |
2151 - Engineer, Starship Enterprise NX-01 |
Dominguez | human, male | ||
The Enterprise was scheduled to deliver Mexican peppers to Dominguez in 2265. TOS The Man Trap. |
2265 - Commanding Officer, Corinth 4 Starship Base |
Donaldson | human | ||
Donaldson was part of Commander La Forge's engineering staff during the soliton wave rider test in 2368. TNG New Ground. |
2368 - Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Donark | |||
Security Chief Odo assigned Crewman Donark to the Defiant as a member of the security detachment in 2371. DS9 Shakaar. |
2371 - Crewman (Security Officer), Deep Space 9 & U.S.S. Defiant |
Dorado | human, female | ||
On stardate 51501.4, Dorado received a letter from home via a Starfleet transmission sent through an ancient network of alien relay stations. VOY Hunters. |
2371-2374 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Dorton, Louise | human, female | ||
Superintendent Dorton signed Ensign O'Malley's Starfleet Academy diploma. ENT Storm Front, Part 2.
2150s - Superintendent, Starfleet Academy |
Dougherty, Matthew | human, male | ||
In 2375, Dougherty conspired with the Son'a to steal the Ba'ku planet from its inhabitants. Working with Ahdar Ru'afo, a Son'a official. Dougherty had hoped to harness an unusual metaphasic radiation particle field around the planet, so that the rejuvenating properties of the planet could be made available to all senior Starfleet and Federation officials. Dougherty planned to divert Federation attention from the planet so that he could use a holoship to remove the world's 600 inhabitants. Dougherty died on a Son'a ship after officers from the Enterprise-E were successful in stopping his plan. Star Trek: Insurrection. Anthony Zerbe |
b. 2306 d. 2375, Ru'afo's ship 2375 - Vice Admiral |
Douglas | human | ||
ENT These Are the Voyages…. |
2161 - Admiral, Starfleet Command |
Douglas | human, female | ||
DS9 When It Rains…. |
2375 - Lt., Starfleet Medical |
Doyle | human, male | ||
VOY Repression. Scott Alan Smith |
2371-2377 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Drazman | male | ||
Drazman was a long-winded and generally uninteresting conversationalist, earning him the nickname "Droner" Drazman. In 2371, he invited the senior staff of the U.S.S. Defiant for dinner. DS9 Past Tense, Part 1. |
2371 - Admiral (CO), Proxima Maintenance Yards |
Duarte | human | ||
Rom was Duarte's replacement when Duarte was sick in 2373. DS9 The Assignment. |
2373 - Engineer, Deep Space 9 |
Ducane | human, male | ||
VOY Relativity. |
29th century - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Relativity |
Duder, Dorothy R. | human, female | ||
She was killed in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
d. 2374 2374 - Lieutenant Commander, U.S.S. Cochrane |
Duffy | human, male | ||
In 2366, Duffy accidentally helped spread a dangerous invidium contamination through the ship. TNG Hollow Pursuits. Charley Lang |
2366 - Lieutenant JG (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Dumont, Suzanne | human, female | ||
She was Wesley's date on the night of the Mozart concert aboard the Enterprise-D in honour of Ambassador Sarek in 2366. They did not attend the concert, but went to the arboretum. TNG Sarek. |
2366 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Durst, Pete | human, male | ||
VOY Cathexis. Around stardate 48784.2, Durst, Torres and Paris inspected magnesite formations on the third planet of the Avery system. VOY Faces. Brian Markinson |
d. 2371 2371 - Lt. (Security Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Duvall | human, male | ||
ENT Silent Enemy. ENT First Flight. |
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