Home | Up | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | ? Admirals | Captains | Commanders | Lieutenant Commanders | Lieutenants | Lieutenants JG | Ensigns | Enlisted Personnel |
Jackson | human | ||
Chakotay revoked his and Seska's replicator privileges for two days when Seska told him that she and Jackson had broken into Neelix's kitchen and looted the food reserves to cook a mushroom soup for Chakotay. VOY State of Flux. |
2371 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Jackson | human, male | ||
Jackson was killed in 2266 while on a landing party to planet Pyris VII. The deceased Jackson, who materialized on the ship in state of rigor mortis, spoke in a voice projected by Korob, warning the Enterprise to leave Pyris VII. TOS Catspaw. Jimmy Jones |
d. 2266, Pyris VII 2266 - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Jacobson, Phillip | human, male | ||
He was killed in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
d. 2374 2374 - Captain, U.S.S. Repulse |
Jaeger, Carl | human, male | ||
When Capt. Kirk and Lt. Sulu disappeared form the Enterprise shortly after the discovery of planet Gothos in 2266, Jaeger was called to the bridge to analyse the planet and later transported to the planet's surface with Dr. McCoy and Lt. DeSalle to carry out a search. They were successful in finding the missing crewmembers and also discovered a powerful being called Trelane. TOS The Squire of Gothos. Richard Carlyle |
2266 - Lieutenant (Meteorologist), U.S.S. Enterprise |
James | human, male | ||
The duplicate, evil Kirk calls James to help. TOS The Enemy Within. |
2265 - U.S.S. Enterprise |
Jameson, Mark | human, male | ||
Jameson was credited with the freeing of Federation hostages on planet Mordan IV just prior to the outbreak of a civil war on that planet that lasted 40 years. Just prior to his death at age 85, Jameson accepted a second mission to the now-peaceful Mordan IV to secure the release of more Federation hostages. During the negotiations, it was learned that Jameson's previous mission had included an illegal weapons-for-hostages deal in direct violation of the Prime Directive. The act triggered - or at least exacerbated - the civil war. The second group of hostages had been seized by Mordan leader Karnas for the specific purpose of luring Jameson tot the planet. Jameson died on Mordan IV of side-effects of a rejuvenation treatment obtained on planet Cerebus II. He had previously been diagnosed with terminal Iverson's disease. Jameson was survived by his wife, Anne Jameson. TNG Too Short a Season. Clayton Rohner |
b. 2279 d. 2364, Mordan IV 2319 - Commander |
Janeway | human, female | ||
She had a counselling session with Deanna Troi shortly after stardate 46071.6. Janeway had sought counselling because she had been having trouble with her superior officer, Lt. Pinder. Unfortunately, Troi was at the time serving as an involuntary receptacle for Ambassador Ves Alkar's negative emotions, so she was an unsympathic listener. TNG Man of the People. Lucy Boryer |
2369 - Ensign (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Janeway, Edward | human, male | ||
Father of Kathryn Janeway. He died in 2358 while on Tau Ceti Prime. He was a victim of an accidental drowning under the planet's polar ice cap. In 2373, following a near-fatal shuttle crash injury, Kathryn Janeway's cerebral cortex was inhabited by a consciousness parasite. The entity fed a false reality to Janeway, taking the form of her long-dead father. VOY Coda. Len Cariou |
d. 2358, Tau Ceti Prime 2358 - Vice Admiral |
Janeway, Kathryn | human, female | ||
VOY. Star Trek: Nemesis. Kate Mulgrew |
b. 20 May Science Officer, U.S.S. Al-Batani |
Janklow | human, male | ||
DS9 Starship Down. |
2372 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Defiant |
Jarvin | human, male | ||
Jarvin was concerned that the status of the Maquis crew members might change after an altercation between B'Elanna Torres and Lt. Carey in early 2371. He was ready to support Chakotay if he wanted to take control of the Voyager. VOY Parallax. When the Voyager encountered the 37's planet in late 2371, Chakotay thought that Jarvin would leave Voyager and stay on the planet because he was more uncomfortable about being on a Starfleet ship than most Maquis. He had also gotten involved with a young woman in quantum mechanics and Chakotay thought they'd like to settle down and raise a family. Contrary to Chakotay's assumption he chose to remain aboard Voyager. VOY The 37's. Justin Williams |
2371 - Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager |
Jarvis | human, female | ||
When the EMH was trapped in a holographic simulation caused by a kinoplasmic radiation surge, a holographic Janeway ordered a holographic Jarvis to arrest the EMH because he had disobeyed Janeway's orders. VOY Projections. |
2371 - Crewman (Security Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Jefferies | human, male | ||
ENT First Flight. ENT Home. |
2140s - Captain (Engineer), NX-Project |
Jellico, Edward | human, male | ||
In 2367, Jellico assisted in negotiating the armistice between Federation and the Cardassian Union. In 2369, Jellico was given temporary command of the Enterprise-D for a meeting with the Cardassian ship Reklar while Captain Picard was sent on a covert mission into Cardassian space. Jellico was known for his efficient, demanding style of command. TNG Chain of Command, Part 1 & 2. Ronny Cox |
2369 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Cairo |
Jenkins | human, female | ||
VOY Warhead. |
2371-2375 - Ens. (CONN), U.S.S. Voyager |
Jepella | female | ||
DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges. |
2375 - U.S.S. Bellerophon |
Jetal, Ahni | human, female | ||
VOY Latent Image.
2371 - Ens., U.S.S. Voyager |
Jimenez | human, male | ||
Jimenez was a Starfleet officer assigned to DS9 in 2372. DS9 Crossfire. Charles Tentindo |
2372 - Ens. (Security Officer), Deep Space Nine |
Jiyar | human, male | ||
DS9 The Assignment. Patrick Egan |
2373 - Engineer, Deep Space 9 |
Johannson, Helen | human, female | ||
She was a friend of Lt. Piper and knew Captain Kirk. TOS The Menagerie. |
2266 - Lt. |
Johnson | human, male | ||
In 2268, he was part of the landing party to Beta XII-A, which investigated the disappearance of a Federation colony. The four members of the landing party encountered a squad of Klingons under the command of Kang on the surface and were captured by them but managed to overwhelm them with help from Cmdr. Spock. Johnson and two other security officers escorted the Klingons to confinement quarters. When the Enterprise was sabotaged later, Capt. Kirk suspected Kang and his men to be responsible and ordered Johnson to search the ship for Klingons who may have beamed aboard undetected. But before Johnson could execute his orders, the Beta XII-A entity, an energy life form which feeds on violent emotions, transformed several objects like plants or chess games into swords, sabres, and maces and a fight between the Klingons and the Enterprise crew broke out in which Johnson was severely hurt. He was taken to sickbay where his wound healed quickly. Under the influence of the Beta XII-A entity, he left sickbay and attacked Capt. Kirk but was rendered unconscious by Cmdr. Spock with a Vulcan nerve pinch. TOS Day of the Dove. David L. Ross |
2268 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Jonas | human, male | ||
In 2369, Chief O'Brien ordered him to repair a jammed airlock. DS9 The Nagus. |
2369 - Ensign (Engineer), Deep Space 9 |
Jonas, Michael | human, male | ||
During a Kazon attack in 2372, he made Lt. Torres aware of the injured Kurt Bendera. He later attended Bendera's memorial service. When talks with the Kazon-Nistrim about an alliance failed, he secretly contacted Seska and offered to supply the Kazon with information about Voyager. VOY Alliances. Toghether with Lt. Torres he oversaw the first test flight of the transwarp-shuttle Chochrane. He later sent all information on the warp 10 shuttle flight to the Kazon. Jonas assisted Lt. Torres in irradiating Tom Paris with antiprotons from the warp core. This treatment was supposed to reverse the evolutionary process initiated by the warp 10 flight. Paris, however, managed to escape from Engineering before completion of the treatment. VOY Threshold. He contacted the Kazon and informed them about the Cardassian "Dreadnought" missile discovered by Voyager in 2372. VOY Dreadnought. He was asked by Seska and the Kazon to sabotage Voyager's warp coils by forcing the magnetic constrictors out of alignment. At first he was concerned but Seska managed to convince him by revealing her plan. VOY Lifesigns. He later sabotaged the magnetic constrictors which caused the plasma stream in the engine core to overheat. While assisting Lt. Torres in averting a core breach, he was injured when his console exploded. Neelix asked him for an interview for his show "Briefing with Neelix". When Neelix suspected a Kazon spy aboard Voyager and searched the subspace communications logs for anomalies, Jonas tried to murder him but was disturbed by the EMH. He later tried to set Neelix on a wrong track by placing evidence pointing at Tom Paris. He was finally exposed as a spy by Tom Paris and killed by Neelix when he was sabotaging critical ship systems during a Kazon attack. VOY Investigations. VOY Worst Case Scenario. Raphael Sbarge |
d. 2372, U.S.S. Voyager 2371-2372 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Jones | human, male | ||
When Tom Paris started to take bets for the radiogenic particle count, Jones was one of the crewmembers joining the gambling. Lt. Cmdr. Chakotay put an end to Paris's gambling operation and confiscated the pot. VOY Meld. |
2371-2372 - U.S.S. Voyager |
Jones | human, male | ||
He was assigned to the security force on DS9. DS9 The Passenger. DS9 Time's Orphan. Randy James |
2369-2374 - Lt. (Security Officer), Deep Space 9 |
Jor | female | ||
VOY Repression. Carol Krnic |
2371-2377 - Crewman (Engineer), U.S.S. Voyager |
Jordan | human, male | ||
Jordan was on duty in auxiliary control in 2267. The android Norman knocked him out and took over control of the ship. TOS I, Mudd. Michael Zaslow |
2267 - Ensign, U.S.S. Enterprise |
Josephs | human, male | ||
Josephs discovered the Tellarite ambassador Gav, murdered just prior to the Babel Conference of 2267. Gav was on Deck 11 hanging upside down in a Jefferies tube. TOS Journey to Babel. James X. Mitchell |
2267 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise |
Juarez | human, female | ||
Juarez gave birth to a boy aboard the Enterprise-D in 2367. The Juarez child was born on the same day that Miles O'Brien and Keiko Ishikawa were married, during a standoff with a Romulan ship. Captain Picard marvelled that in the midst of possible destruction "this small miracle was taking place". TNG Data's Day. |
2367 - Lt., U.S.S. Enterprise-D |
Juday, Penny M. | human, female | ||
She was killed in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.
d. 2374 2374 - Ensign, U.S.S. Cochrane |
Jurot | betazoid, female | ||
She was hidden, along with Tuvok, Vorik and the Brenari, using transporter suspension, from the Devore inspectors. VOY Counterpoint. |
2371-2375 - Ensign (Science Officer), U.S.S. Voyager |
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