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Starfleet Officers

Gabler human, male
TAS The Survivor. TAS Once Upon a Planet. TAS The Terratin Incident. TAS The Time Trap.

Voice: James Doohan

2269 - Engineer, U.S.S. Enterprise

Gaetano human, male
Gaetano was a member of the Shuttlecraft Galileo crew when it crashed on planet Taurus II in 2266. He and Lt. Latimer were investigating the planet, when Latimer was killed by the humanoid inhabitants of Taurus II. Gaetano, Lt. Boma, and Spock later tried to frighten the giant creatures with phaser fire. Gaetano was killed by the humanoid creatures on the planet. TOS The Galileo Seven.

Peter Marco

d. 2266, Taurus II

2266 - Lieutenant, U.S.S. Enterprise

Gaines human, male
TNG All Good Things….

Tim Kelleher
Gaines' name was not mentioned in dialogue, but appeared in the end credits. Tim Kelleher also played Lt. Pell in ENT The Communicator and P'Chan in VOY Survival Instinct.

2395 - Ensign (Tactical Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gallagher human, female
Neelix mentioned Ensign Gallagher in an episode of his "Good Morning, Voyager" program. VOY Macrocosm.

2371-2373 - Ensign, U.S.S. Voyager

Galloway human, male
He was part of the landing party to Eminiar VII in 2266. TOS A Taste of Armageddon. He was part of the landing party that investigated the abandoned U.S.S. Exeter orbiting planet Omega IV. He was killed in 2267 at planet Omega IV by Captain Ronald Tracey. TOS The Omega Glory. TOS Miri. TOS City on the Edge of Forever.

David L. Ross
David Ross also played Lt. Johnson in TOS Day of the Dove.

d. 2267, Omega IV

2266-2267 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Galway, Arlene human, female
Galway, Arlene
She was part of the landing party to planet Gamma Hydra IV in 2267. Galway contracted a radiation illness that sped the aging process. Though she was ten years younger than Kirk, she succumbed to the disease, dying of old age. TOS The Deadly Years.

Beverly Washburn

b. ~2243
d. 2267, U.S.S. Enterprise

2267 - Lieutenant (Science Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Gardner human, male
In 2151, Vulcan Ambassador Soval told Admiral Forrest, that Gardner would have been a far better choice to command the Enterprise than Jonathan Archer. ENT Shadows of P'Jem. ENT First Flight.

NX Test Program
2151 - Captain

Gardner human, male
ENT Awakening. ENT Kir'Shara. ENT Observer Effect. ENT United. ENT Affliction. ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2

John Mahon

2154 - Admiral, Starfleet Command
2155 - Fleet Admiral, Starfleet Command

Garrett, Rachel human, female
Garrett, Rachel
Garrett, along with the Enterprise-C, vanished from her "proper" timeline in 2344, when a torpedo explosion near Narendra III opened up a temporal rift, emerging in 2366. This disappearance created an alternate timeline in which the Klingon Empire was at war with the Federation. In this altered future, Garrett was killed in a Klingon attack. Lt. Richard Castillo subsequently assumed command of the Enterprise-C, returning it to its proper time so that history could be restored. TNG Yesterday's Enterprise.

Tricia O'Neil
Tricia O'Neil also played Kurak in TNG Suspicions.

d. 2366, U.S.S. Enterprise-C

2344 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Enterprise-C

Garrison human, male
The Cage. TOS The Menagerie.

Adam Roarke
Image courtesy of www.trek5.com.

2254 - Chief Petty Officer (Comm Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Garrovick human, male
He was killed, along with 200 other crew members, by the dikironium cloud creature at planet Tycho IV in 2256. James Kirk recalled Garrovick as one of the finest men he had ever known and carried the memory of his death through the years. TOS Obsession.

d. 2256

2254 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Republic
2256 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Farragut

Garrovick, David * human, male
Garrovick, David *
In 2267, Garrovick encountered the same deadly dikironium cloud creature that had killed his father, Captain Garrovick, years before. Like Kirk in 2257, Ensign Garrovick paused briefly before firing at the creature, and believed his hesitation caused the death of several people. Later, the crew learned that phaser fire had no effect upon the creature, absolving Garrovick and Kirk of guilt. TOS Obsession.

Stephen Brooks
* This character's first name comes from James Blish's novelization of the TOS episode "Obsession".

2267 - Ensign (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Garth izarian, male
TOS Whom Gods Destroy.

Steve Ihnat

Fleet Captain

Gates human, female
TNG The Host. TNG Darmok. TNG Masterpiece Society. TNG The Inner Light. TNG Force of Nature.

Joyce Robinson

2367-2370 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gatsby human
Gatsby perished with the rest of the ship's company when the vessel was destroyed in orbit of the fourth planet in a star system in the Rutharian sector in 2371. DS9 The Sound of Her Voice.

d. 2371

2363-2371 - Commander (XO), U.S.S. Olympia

Gennaro human, male
VOY Displaced.

2371-2373 - Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager

Gentry, David human, male
Gentry, David
VOY In the Flesh.

Zach Galligan

2371 - Ensign (Security Officer), Starfleet HQ

Gerber, Steve human, male
Gerber, Steve
TNG Contagion.

Unseen but referred to on Varley's computer screen logs.

d. 2365, U.S.S. Yamato

2365 - Commander, U.S.S. Yamato

Gerron bajoran, male
VOY Learning Curve.

Kenny Morrison
Image courtesy of Zack Kinsey & Roll Call: The Minor Crewmembers of Voyager.

2371 - Crewman (Science Officer), U.S.S. Voyager

Gibson human
VOY The Haunting of Deck 12.

2371-2376 - U.S.S. Voyager

Gibson human, female
She served as conn on the bridge during the transfer of Salia from Klavdia III to Daled IV. TNG The Dauphin.

Jennifer Barlow

2365 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Giddings, Diana human, female
Giddings, Diana
Giddings attracted the attentions of Captain Thadiun Okona, and the two evidently spent some time together. TNG The Outrageous Okona.

Lorine Mendell
Although Giddings was not given a name in dialogue, her name comes from the sign on the door to her quarters. Lorine Mendell was an extra and a stand in on TNG, and she was seen in the background of numerous episodes. She was featured as Keiko O'Brien's friend in TNG Power Play.

2365 - Lt., U.S.S. Enterprise-D

In 2373, Admiral Gilhouly commanded a task force that positioned itself at DS9 in anticipation of a Dominion invasion. DS9 By Inferno's Light.

2373 - Admiral

Gilles human
Gilles participated in the covert sociological study of the Ba'ku in 2375. Star Trek: Insurrection.

2375 - Ensign, Ba'ku planet

Gillespie human, male
Suffering from paranoia induced by a REM sleep-deprived state when the ship was trapped in a Tyken's Rift in 2367. Gillespie nearly incited a riot in the ship's Ten-Forward Lounge. He was a friend of Miles O'Brien. TNG Night Terrors.

Duke Moosekian

2367 - Chief Petty Officer, U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gilmore, Marla human, female
Gilmore, Marla
VOY Equinox, Part 1 & 2.

Olivia Birkelund

2375 - Ens., U.S.S. Equinox
2376 - Crewman, U.S.S. Voyager

Ginsburt, Alice K. human, female
Ginsburt, Alice K.
She went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

According to the casualty list, Ginsburt also served aboard Starbase 129 and Starbase 153 at the same time. Either a computer glitch caused this inconsistency or Starfleet was so desperate that it started to clone officers. ;-)

2374 - Commander, U.S.S. Cochrane

Giotto human, male
He and his security detail worked with Janus VI mining colony personnel to locate the Horta, responsible for several deaths on the planet prior to stardate 3196. TOS The Devil in the Dark.

Barry Russo
Barry Russo also played Commodore Wesley in TOS The Ultimate Computer.

2266 - Lieutenant Commander (Security Chief), U.S.S. Enterprise

Giusti human, female
She operated the ops station on the bridge during the Enterprise-D's encounter with a band of mercenaries led by Arctus Baran. TNG Gambit, Part 1 & 2.

Sabrina LeBeauf
Giusti's name was not mentioned in dialogue, but appeared in the end credits.

2370 - Ensign (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gladstone human, female
Gladstone is a primary-school teacher aboard the Enterprise-D. Deanna Troi's son Ian Andrew visited the ship's nursery during her shift. TNG The Child.

Dawn Arnemann

2365 - Chief Petty Officer (Teacher), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gleason human, male
Gleason recorded satisfactory reports for Lt. Reginald Barclay and spoke very highly of his performance on the Zhukov, just prior to Barclay's transfer to the Enterprise-D in 2366. TNG Hollow Pursuits.

2366 - Captain (CO), U.S.S. Zhukov

Gleason human, male
He was assigned to battle bridge ops in early 2367 during the rescue of Captain Picard from the Borg ship. TNG The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2. Later that year, Gleason detected unusual fluctuations in subspace frequencies and Data thereupon discovered that the Enterprise-D was probed by somebody on the third planet of the Alpha Onias system. TNG Future Imperfect.

Todd Merrill

2367 - Ensign (Operations Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Golwat bolian, female
In 2373, Golwat tried one of Neelix's experimental drinks consisting of Anthraxic citrus peel, orange juice with a hint of papalla seed extract and thought it was delicious. She even had a second glass despite the fact that she never has seconds. VOY Flashback. On stardate 51501.4, Golwat received a letter from home via a Starfleet transmission sent through an ancient network of alien relay stations. VOY Hunters. VOY Workforce. VOY Endgame.

2371-2377 - Ensign, U.S.S. Voyager

Gomez, Sonya human, female
Gomez, Sonya
She was assigned to the Enterprise-D at Starbase 173. Gomez specialized in antimatter operations. Once she spilled her cocoa over Captain Picard. TNG Q Who. Gomez helped devise a means of using the ship's Bussard collectors to create a harmless pyrotechnic display when Geordi La Forge was being held captive aboard the Pakled ship Mondor in 2365. TNG Samaritan Snare.

Lycia Naff

2365 - Ensign (Engineer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gordon human
Gordon's son, Jay, was one of the winners of the primary-school science fair held aboard the Enterprise-D in 2368. Jay was also made an honorary science officer by Capt. Picard. TNG Disaster.

2368 - U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Gordon, Paul human, male
Gordon, Paul
He served under the command of Captain Sisko in 2374. Gordon was killed while serving in the crew of the commandeered Jem'Hadar vessel that crash-landed on a planet located in a dark-matter nebula in Cardassian space. DS9 Rocks and Shoals.

Joseph Fuqua

d. 2374

2374 - Ensign (Security Officer)

Graas human
Graas' son, Jay Gordon, was one of the winners of the primary-school science fair. TNG Disaster.

2368 - U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Graham human, female
Graham was at the conn when the Enterprise-D entered the Tarchannen system in 2367, albeit too late to save Lieutenant Hickman. TNG Identity Crisis.

Mona Grudt

2367 - Ensign (Flight Control Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise-D

Grant human, male
TOS Friday's Child.

Robert Bralver

d. 2266, Capella IV

2266 - Lieutenant (Security Officer), U.S.S. Enterprise

Green human, male
Green was killed in 2265 on the surface of planet M-113 by the salt vampire. Green's death was not discovered for several hours because the M-113 creature subsequently assumed Green's identity and transported up to the ship. TOS The Man Trap.

Bruce Watson

d. 2265, M-113

2265 - Crewman, U.S.S. Enterprise

Green, Mitchell B. human, male
Green, Mitchell B.
He went missing in action in 2374 during the Dominion War. DS9 In the Pale Moonlight.

2374 - Commander, U.S.S. Nobel

Grimes human, male
He filled in for Tom Paris at conn, when he was late for the fourth time in a week. VOY Lifesigns.

2371-2372 - Flight Control Officer, U.S.S. Voyager

Gromek human, female
She transmitted secret orders to the Enterprise-D to rendezvous with special Federation emissary K'Ehleyr prior to the return of the Klingon ship T'Ong in 2365. TNG The Emissary.

Georgann Johnson

2365 - Vice Admiral, Starfleet Command

Gupta visited DS9 on stardate 47552.9 to assess movement of Cardassian troops along the Federation/Cardassian Demilitarized Zone. DS9 Whispers.

2370 - Admiral

Gustafson human, female
In 2368, Capt. Picard gave his report on a magnetic wave survey of the Parvenium Sector directly to Fleet Admiral Gustafson at Starbase 218. At an earlier encounter with Admiral Gustafson, Picard spent nine hours at the opera, watching Richard Wagner's entire "Ring" cycle at one sitting. Gustafson went back the next day and sat through it all again. TNG The Inner Light.

Fleet Admiral Gustafson was only mentioned in the script.

2368 - Fleet Admiral, Starbase 218

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